"use strict"; var luna_utils = {}; luna_utils.show_modal = function(title, body_html, html_to_prepend_to_buttons_div) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#image_zoom_modal").modal('hide'); dsplma.force_hideStatusBar(); $("#image_zoom_modal").modal('show'); $("#modal_header_title").html(title); $("#__ng_Modal_buttons_div").prepend(''); $("#modal_content_div").html(body_html); } else { $('#__ng_Modal').modal('hide'); $("#__ng_Modal_title").html(title); $("#__ng_Modal_body").html(body_html); $('#__ng_Modal').modal('show'); } }; // let ddmmyyy = luna_utils.convert_from_yyyymmdd_to_ddmmyyy(yyyymmdd) // Has test cases luna_utils.convert_from_yyyymmdd_to_ddmmyyy = function(yyyymmdd) { let [year, month, day] = yyyymmdd.split('-'); day = day.padStart(2, '0'); month = month.padStart(2, '0'); return `${day}/${month}/${year}`; }; // let ddmmyyy__hhmmss = luna_utils.convert_from_yyyymmdd__hhmmss_to_ddmmyyy__hhmmss(yyyymmdd__hhmmss) luna_utils.convert_from_yyyymmdd__hhmmss_to_ddmmyyy__hhmmss = function(yyyymmdd__hhmmss) { let [yyyymmdd, hhmmss] = yyyymmdd__hhmmss.split(' '); const ddmmyyy = luna_utils.convert_from_yyyymmdd_to_ddmmyyy(yyyymmdd); return ddmmyyy + " " + hhmmss; }; luna_utils.show_solution = function(error_message, solution) { const response = { response_code: -1, response_message: error_message, solution: solution, }; if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { dsplma.render_menu(false); dsplma.show_response_message(response); } else { luna_app.close_page(); luna_app.show_response_message(response); } }; luna_utils.get_solution = function(priv_id) { let sub_steps = []; if (priv_id == 10001) { sub_steps = [ 'Login to ERP as Administrator', 'Go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Assign Privilege Scope', 'Select Privilege Feed Attendance', 'Select Year ' + luna_utils.get_session_name(luna_datac.current_academic_session ) + '', 'Select User ' + luna_datac.login_id + '', 'Click Show button', 'Tick required Class(es)', 'Click Save button', ]; } if (priv_id == 5001) { sub_steps = [ 'Login to ERP as Administrator', 'Go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Assign Privilege Scope', 'Select Privilege Feed Marks', 'Select Year ' + luna_utils.get_session_name(luna_datac.current_academic_session ) + '', 'Select User ' + luna_datac.login_id + '', 'Select Class as applicable', 'Click Show button', 'Tick required Subject(s)', 'Click Save button', ]; } if (priv_id == 4059) { sub_steps = [ 'Login to ERP as Administrator', 'Go to Control Panel -> Administration -> Assign Privilege Scope', 'Select Privilege Student Module', 'Select Year ' + luna_utils.get_session_name(luna_datac.current_academic_session ) + '', 'Select User ' + luna_datac.login_id + '', 'Click Show button', 'Tick required Class(es)', 'Click Save button', ]; } let solution = [ {'heading' : 'Request your Administrator to do this:', 'sub_steps' : sub_steps}, {'heading' : 'After your Administrator completes the above steps, you need to log off and login again'}, ]; if (sub_steps.length == 0) { solution = []; } return solution; }; /* luna_utils.fetch = async function(url, options, success_function) { try { console.log('fetch_using_get. a1 ' + url); let response = await fetch(url); console.log('fetch_using_get. a2 ' + JSON.stringify(response)); let text = await response.text(); console.log('fetch_using_get. a3'); success_function(text); console.log('fetch_using_get. a4'); } catch(err) { console.log('fetch_using_get err'); console.log(err.message); console.log(err.name); // console.log(err.stack); console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); } }; luna_utils.fetch_using_get = function(url, options, success_function) { try { console.log('fetch_using_get a1 a' + url); fetch(url).then(function(response) { console.log('fetch_using_get a2'); response.text().then( function(text) { console.log('fetch_using_get a3'); success_function(text); console.log('fetch_using_get a4'); } ); }); console.log('fetch_using_get a1 b' + url); } catch(err) { console.log('fetch_using_get err'); console.log(JSON.stringify(err)); } }; */ luna_utils.log = function(input) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { dsplma.log(input); } else { console.log(input); } }; luna_utils.get_current_time_hh_mm_ss = function() { const date = new Date(); let hours = date.getHours(); let minutes = date.getMinutes(); let seconds = date.getSeconds(); hours = hours > 9 ? hours : '0' + hours; minutes = minutes > 9 ? minutes : '0' + minutes; seconds = seconds > 9 ? seconds : '0' + seconds; return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; }; luna_utils.process_luna_datac = function() { luna_datac.bank_fee_collection_modes = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.fee_collection_modes, 'fcm_type', 'BANK'); }; // Has test cases luna_utils.auto_correct_mobile_num_field = function($field) { try { let value = $field.val(); value = "" + value; let new_val = luna_utils.replaceAll(value, ' ', ''); new_val = luna_utils.replaceAll(new_val, '/', ','); if (new_val != value) { $field.val(new_val); value = new_val; } return value; } catch(err) { return 'ERR9484727'; // luna_utils.auto_correct_mobile_num_field2($field); } }; // Has test cases luna_utils.set_val = function(field_id, value, default_value) { value = typeof value == 'undefined' ? default_value : value; $("#" + field_id).val(value); }; luna_utils.get_current_month_num = function() { const d = new Date(); return 1 + d.getMonth(); }; luna_utils.get_response = function(___ca, data2send, success_function, options) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { dsplma.sendMessageToServer(___ca, data2send, success_function); } else { let request_object = { ___ca : ___ca, data2send : data2send, success_function : success_function }; if (typeof options != 'undefined') { for (let attr in options) { request_object[attr] = options[attr]; } } luna_ws.get_response(request_object); } }; luna_utils.show_response_message = function(response) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { return dsplma.show_response_message(response); } return luna_app.show_response_message(response); }; // Has test cases // Returns output in this format : 2-Mar-2025 luna_utils.today_dd_mmm_yyyy = function() { const date = new Date(); const formattedDate = date.toLocaleDateString('en-GB', { day: 'numeric', month: 'short', year: 'numeric', }).replace(/ /g, '-'); return formattedDate; }; luna_utils.fill_luna_dynamic_css = function() { var luna_dynamic_css = ''; var att_codes = luna_datac.att_codes; for (var x=0; x' + current_phone_number + ' '; } if (link_type == 'whatsapp') { links += '' + current_phone_number + ' '; } } } return links; }; luna_utils.array_union = function(array1, array2) { return Array.from(new Set(array1.concat(array2))); }; /* luna_utils.get_current_time_rounded_to_next_30_mins = function(hours_to_add, minutes_to_add) { hours_to_add = 1 * hours_to_add; minutes_to_add = 1 * minutes_to_add; let date = new Date(); let hours = date.getHours(); hours = hours + hours_to_add; let minutes = date.getMinutes(); minutes = minutes + minutes_to_add; if (minutes > 30) { minutes = 0; hours++; } else if (minutes > 0) { minutes = 30; } if (hours > 23) { hours = 0; } hours = hours.toString().length == 1 ? '0' + hours : hours; minutes = minutes.toString().length == 1 ? '0' + minutes : minutes; let pickup_time = hours + ':' + minutes; }; */ luna_utils.htmlentities = function(str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(//g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"'); }; /* 156 Grm Gram 16 0 Gram GMS 1.000 157 KG Kilogram 28 Gram 1000.000 0 Gram KGS 1000.000 166 Q Quintal 248 Kilogram 100.000 0 Gram 100000.000 188 Bags Bags 402 0 Bags 1.000 4357 bag_psc Bag Pieces 403 Bags 2.000 0 Bags 2.000 luna_utils.convert_unit(3200, 156, 157, 0, 0, 0) // - 3.2 luna_utils.convert_unit(3.2, 157, 156, 0, 0, 0) // - 3200 luna_utils.convert_unit(3.2, 166, 157, 0, 0, 0) // - 320 luna_utils.convert_unit(3.2, 188, 156, 188, 156, 500) // - 1600 luna_utils.convert_unit(1600, 156, 188, 188, 156, 500) // - 3.2 luna_utils.convert_unit(1600, 156, 188, 188, 156, 500) // - 3.2 */ luna_utils.convert_unit = function(src_unit_qty, src_unit_id, dest_unit_id, alternate_unit_id, base_unit_id_of_product, alternate_unit_conversion_value) { let inv2_units = luna_datac.inv2_units; let src_unit = luna_utils.search_JSON_array(inv2_units, 'unit_id', src_unit_id); let dest_unit = luna_utils.search_JSON_array(inv2_units, 'unit_id', dest_unit_id); if (src_unit.base_unit_id == dest_unit.base_unit_id) { return (src_unit_qty * src_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit) / dest_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit; } let alternate_unit = luna_utils.search_JSON_array(inv2_units, 'unit_id', alternate_unit_id); if (src_unit.base_unit_id == base_unit_id_of_product) { return (src_unit_qty * src_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit * alternate_unit_conversion_value * alternate_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit) / dest_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit; } else if (dest_unit.base_unit_id == base_unit_id_of_product) { return (src_unit_qty * src_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit) / (alternate_unit_conversion_value * alternate_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit) / dest_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit; } return 0; }; luna_utils.copy_to_clipboard = function(text) { var $temp = $(''); $("body").append($temp); $temp.val(text).select(); document.execCommand("copy"); $temp.remove(); }; luna_utils.delete_icon = ''; luna_utils.crop_image_icon = ''; luna_utils.is_element_fully_visible_in_viewport = function(element_id) { if ($("#" + element_id).is(":visible")) { let el = document.getElementById(element_id); var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rect.top >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom + 15 <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /* or $(window).height() */ rect.right + 15 <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /* or $(window).width() */ ); } return false; }; luna_utils.clear_cache = function() { if (localStorage.last_login_date == luna_d.today()) { return; } const keys = Object.keys(localStorage); let key = ''; for (let x=0; x= 0; i--) { if (array[i] == element) { array.splice(i, 1); count++; } } return count; }; luna_utils.numeric_val_from_field = function(field_id, default_value_if_blank) { var val = $("#" + field_id).val(); return luna_utils.numeric_val(val, default_value_if_blank); }; luna_utils.numeric_val = function(val, default_value_if_blank) { val = typeof val == 'undefined' ? '' : val; val = "" + val; val = luna_utils.replaceAll(val, ',', ''); if (val == '') { return default_value_if_blank; } if (!$.isNumeric(val)) { return default_value_if_blank; } return 1 * val; }; luna_utils.get_sum2 = function(jquery_elements, sum_function) { var sum = 0; var text; jquery_elements.each(function () { text = $(this).text(); if (sum_function != undefined) { sum = eval(sum_function + '(sum, text)'); } else { text = luna_utils.replaceAll(text, ',', ''); if ($.isNumeric(text)) { sum += (1 * text); } } }); return sum; }; luna_utils.get_sum = function(jquery_selector, sum_function) { return luna_utils.get_sum2($(jquery_selector), sum_function); }; luna_utils.compare_string_ignore_case = function(a, b) { return a.localeCompare(b, undefined, {numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base'}); }; // Both strings should be of format mmm yyyy. Example : Aug 2023 luna_utils.compare_mmm_yyyy_strings = function(str1, str2) { str1 = str1.toUpperCase(); str2 = str2.toUpperCase(); str1 = str1.split(' '); str2 = str2.split(' '); const month1 = luna_utils.month_names_short.indexOf(str1[0]); const month2 = luna_utils.month_names_short.indexOf(str2[0]); return str2[1] - str1[1] || month2 - month1; }; luna_utils.compare_date_strings = function(a, b) { a = a.split('/'); b = b.split('/'); return b[2] - a[2] || b[1] - a[1] || b[0] - a[0]; }; luna_utils.get_unique_text_array = function(jquery_selector, max_text_length, is_input_element) { is_input_element = typeof is_input_element == 'undefined' ? false : is_input_element; var array = []; var values_with_count = []; var value; var index = -1; $(jquery_selector).each(function () { if (is_input_element) { value = $(this).val(); if ($(this).attr('filter_with_text') == 'true') { value = $(this).find('option[value="' + value + '"]').text(); } } else { value = $(this).text(); } if (max_text_length > 0) { value = value.substring(0, max_text_length); } index = array.indexOf(value); if (index == -1) { array.push(value); values_with_count.push({'value': value, count: 1}); } else { values_with_count[index].count = values_with_count[index].count + 1; } }); // array.sort(luna_utils.compare_string_ignore_case); let object = {}; object.values_without_count = array; object.values_with_count = values_with_count; return object; }; luna_utils.get_unique_values_with_count = function(two_d_array, column_name, max_text_length) { max_text_length = typeof max_text_length == 'undefined' ? 0 : max_text_length; var values_with_count = []; var values_without_count = []; var cell_text = ''; var index = -1; for (var x=0; x 0) { cell_text = cell_text.substring(0, max_text_length); } index = values_without_count.indexOf(cell_text); if (index != -1) { values_with_count[index].count++; continue; } values_without_count.push(cell_text); values_with_count.push({'value': cell_text, 'count': 1}); } let object = {}; object.values_without_count = values_without_count; object.values_with_count = values_with_count; return object; }; luna_utils.check_has_attributes = function(object, object_name, attributes_array) { var errors = 0; for (var x=0; x= thresh && u < units.length - 1); return bytes.toFixed(1)+' '+units[u]; }; luna_utils.countries = [ {'value':'India', 'text':'India'} ]; luna_utils.allowed_attachment_extensions = [ '.docx', '.xlsx', '.doc', '.pdf', '.xls', '.png', '.bmp', '.txt', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.gif', ]; // Test case: luna_utils.round(10.17 * 150 * 0.09, 2) luna_utils.round = function(input, decimals) { let pow = Math.pow(10, decimals); input = 1 * input; return Math.round((input + 0.000001) * pow) / pow; }; // Has test cases luna_utils.search_2d_array = function(array, key, value) { for (var x=0; x" + display_text + ""); }; luna_utils.remove_other_options_from_dropdown = function(field_id, values2retain) { var values = []; $('#' + field_id + ' option').each(function() { values.push( $(this).attr('value') ); }); var x = 0; for (x=0; x 0) { cell_text = cell_text.substring(0, max_text_length); } if (remove_duplicates && one_d_array.indexOf(cell_text) != -1) { continue; } one_d_array.push(cell_text); } return one_d_array; }; luna_utils.delete_column = function(two_d_array, column_name) { for (var x=0; x 0) { if (index == (hash_split_array.length - 1)) { // reach through last element of hash_split_array then end the loop loop_num = 0; } matched_array = luna_utils.match_content_in_JSON_Array(temp_array, column_to_search, hash_split_array[index]); // if found with the first param - for example /#___ca=20068088 if (matched_array.length > 0) { temp_array = matched_array; // now the filtered arrays which has /#___ca=20068088 becomes the array to loop in if (matched_array.length == 1) { // if only one result found then return this array and end the loop result = temp_array[0]; loop_num = 0; } } index++; } } return result; }; // Returns an array with those records in json_array1, where matching record is present in json_array2 // Other attributes are not checked luna_utils.filter_json_array_with_json_array = function(json_array1, array1_column_to_search, json_array2, array2_column_to_search) { let matches = []; for (var x=0; x 1) { luna_app.show_error_message("Please select only one " + entity_name); return -1; } if (is_tf) { return selected_elements[0]; } return $(selected_elements[0]).val(); }; luna_utils.ensure_at_least_one_cbx_selected = function(cbx_selector, entity_name, suffix_id, get_values_from_visible_rows) { if (typeof suffix_id == 'undefined') { if (luna_utils.is_sg_page()) { // if current page contains tf - luna_utils.is_sg_page() would return true if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { suffix_id = dsplma_sgm.table_id_suffix; } else { suffix_id = ''; } } } let is_tf = typeof suffix_id != 'undefined'; let selected_cbx = []; if (is_tf) { selected_cbx = luna_tf.get_selected_cbx_radio_id_values(suffix_id, get_values_from_visible_rows); } else { selected_cbx = $(cbx_selector); } var ids = []; if (selected_cbx.length == 0) { luna_app.show_error_message("No " + entity_name + " selected"); return ids; } if (is_tf) { for (var i=0; i 0) { // All checkbox should be checked only if there are any rows in the grid. $select_all_cbx.prop('checked', total_checkboxes == checked_checkboxes); } }); if ($cbx.length > 0) { $cbx.first().change(); } }; /* array = [ {name: 'bahadur', 'date_month': 'May 2024'}, {name: 'zebra', 'date_month': 'Mar 2024'}, {name: 'cat', 'date_month': 'Dec 2024'}, {name: 'aman', 'date_month': 'Jan 2023'} ] */ // sort_method is not mandatory - even if kept blank - it would cause no problem // luna_utils.sortJsonArrayByKey(array, 'name', 'ascending') = /* result: [ {name: 'aman', 'date_month': 'Jan 2023'}, {name: 'bahadur', 'date_month': 'May 2024'}, {name: 'cat', 'date_month': 'Dec 2024'}, {name: 'zebra', 'date_month': 'Mar 2024'} ] */ // luna_utils.sortJsonArrayByKey(array, 'name', 'descending') = the array above would be reverse of what it is above // luna_utils.sortJsonArrayByKey(array, 'date_month', 'ascending', 'mmm yyyy') = /* result: [ {name: 'aman', 'date_month': 'Jan 2023'}, {name: 'zebra', 'date_month': 'Mar 2024'} {name: 'bahadur', 'date_month': 'May 2024'}, {name: 'cat', 'date_month': 'Dec 2024'}, ] */ // luna_utils.sortJsonArrayByKey(array, 'date_month', 'descending', 'mmm yyyy') = the array above would be reverse of what it is above luna_utils.sortJsonArrayByKey = function(array, key, sort_direction, sort_method) { var indexOfComma = key.indexOf(","); var keys = []; if (typeof sort_direction == 'undefined') { // if sort direction is not defined - it should be sorted ascendingly if (indexOfComma == -1) { sort_direction = 'ascending'; } else { keys = key.split(","); sort_direction = ('ascending,').repeat(keys.length); } } if (typeof sort_method == 'undefined') { if (indexOfComma == -1) { sort_method = ''; } else { keys = key.split(","); sort_method = ('"",').repeat(keys.length); } } let ROW_CSS_CLASS1 = ''; let ROW_CSS_CLASS2 = ''; let ignore_sort_object1 = ''; let ignore_sort_object2 = ''; return array.sort(function(object1, object2) { ROW_CSS_CLASS1 = object1.ROW_CSS_CLASS; ROW_CSS_CLASS2 = object2.ROW_CSS_CLASS; ROW_CSS_CLASS1 = typeof ROW_CSS_CLASS1 == 'undefined' ? '' : ROW_CSS_CLASS1; ROW_CSS_CLASS2 = typeof ROW_CSS_CLASS2 == 'undefined' ? '' : ROW_CSS_CLASS2; ignore_sort_object1 = ROW_CSS_CLASS1.indexOf('sg-do-not-sort') !== -1; ignore_sort_object2 = ROW_CSS_CLASS2.indexOf('sg-do-not-sort') !== -1; if (ignore_sort_object1 || ignore_sort_object2) { // Both rows should not be sorted, maintain their original order return 0; } return luna_utils.sortJsonArrayElementsByKey(object1, object2, key, sort_direction, sort_method); }); }; luna_utils.sortJsonArrayElementsByKey = function(object1, object2, key, sort_direction, sort_method) { var indexOfComma = key.indexOf(","); var x = ""; var y = ""; let result = 0; if (indexOfComma === -1) { x = object1[key]; y = object2[key]; if (sort_method == 'mmm yyyy') { if (sort_direction == 'ascending') { result = luna_utils.compare_mmm_yyyy_strings(y, x); } else { result = luna_utils.compare_mmm_yyyy_strings(x, y); } } else if (sort_method == 'dd/mm/yyyy') { if (sort_direction == 'ascending') { result = luna_utils.compare_date_strings(y, x); } else { result = luna_utils.compare_date_strings(x, y); } } else { result = luna_utils.compare(x, y); if (result != 0 && sort_direction != 'ascending') { if (result == -1) { result = 1; } else { result = -1; } } } return result; } let keys = key.split(","); let p = 0; let sort_direction_array = sort_direction.split(','); let sort_method_array = sort_method.split(','); let prop1 = ''; let prop2 = ''; for (p=0; p y) { return 1; } return 0; }; // Has test cases luna_utils.formatNumberToIndian = function(num) { let numStr = num.toString(); let is_negative = numStr.startsWith('-'); if (is_negative) { numStr = numStr.slice(1, numStr.length); } let array = numStr.split('.'); let integerPart = array[0].toString(); let lastThree = integerPart.slice(-3); // Take the last three digits let otherNumbers = integerPart.slice(0, -3); // Remaining part of the number // Insert commas for the Indian format (every two digits after the first three) if (otherNumbers !== '') { lastThree = ',' + lastThree; } let decimal_part = array[1] ? '.' + array[1] : ''; return (is_negative ? '-' : '') + otherNumbers.replace(/\B(?=(\d{2})+(?!\d))/g, ",") + lastThree + decimal_part; }; luna_utils.format_number = function(number, digits_after_decimal) { number = 1 * number; digits_after_decimal = (digits_after_decimal < 1 || digits_after_decimal == undefined) ? 0 : digits_after_decimal; var formatted_number = number.toFixed(digits_after_decimal); formatted_number = luna_utils.formatNumberToIndian(formatted_number); return formatted_number; }; luna_utils.format_number_as = function(number, format_str) { if (format_str && $.isNumeric(number)) { // it is for verifying the alphabets var array = format_str.split('/'); if (array.length == 2 && array[0] == 'en-IN') { // Expected format is "en-IN/x" where x is an integer between 0 and 5 var digits_after_decimal = 1 * array[1]; if (digits_after_decimal >= 0 && digits_after_decimal <= 5) { return luna_utils.format_number(number, array[1]); } } } return number; }; luna_utils.scheduled_times = [ {'value' : '00:00', 'text' : '00:00 Midnight'}, {'value' : '00:30', 'text' : '00:30 AM'}, {'value' : '01:00', 'text' : '01:00 AM'}, {'value' : '01:30', 'text' : '01:30 AM'}, {'value' : '02:00', 'text' : '02:00 AM'}, {'value' : '02:30', 'text' : '02:30 AM'}, {'value' : '03:00', 'text' : '03:00 AM'}, {'value' : '03:30', 'text' : '03:30 AM'}, {'value' : '04:00', 'text' : '04:00 AM'}, {'value' : '04:30', 'text' : '04:30 AM'}, {'value' : '05:00', 'text' : '05:00 AM'}, {'value' : '05:30', 'text' : '05:30 AM'}, {'value' : '06:00', 'text' : '06:00 AM'}, {'value' : '06:30', 'text' : '06:30 AM'}, {'value' : '07:00', 'text' : '07:00 AM'}, {'value' : '07:30', 'text' : '07:30 AM'}, {'value' : '08:00', 'text' : '08:00 AM'}, {'value' : '08:30', 'text' : '08:30 AM'}, {'value' : '09:00', 'text' : '09:00 AM'}, {'value' : '09:30', 'text' : '09:30 AM'}, {'value' : '10:00', 'text' : '10:00 AM'}, {'value' : '10:30', 'text' : '10:30 AM'}, {'value' : '11:00', 'text' : '11:00 AM'}, {'value' : '11:30', 'text' : '11:30 AM'}, {'value' : '12:00', 'text' : '12:00 Noon'}, {'value' : '12:30', 'text' : '12:30 PM'}, {'value' : '13:00', 'text' : '01:00 PM'}, {'value' : '13:30', 'text' : '01:30 PM'}, {'value' : '14:00', 'text' : '02:00 PM'}, {'value' : '14:30', 'text' : '02:30 PM'}, {'value' : '15:00', 'text' : '03:00 PM'}, {'value' : '15:30', 'text' : '03:30 PM'}, {'value' : '16:00', 'text' : '04:00 PM'}, {'value' : '16:30', 'text' : '04:30 PM'}, {'value' : '17:00', 'text' : '05:00 PM'}, {'value' : '17:30', 'text' : '05:30 PM'}, {'value' : '18:00', 'text' : '06:00 PM'}, {'value' : '18:30', 'text' : '06:30 PM'}, {'value' : '19:00', 'text' : '07:00 PM'}, {'value' : '19:30', 'text' : '07:30 PM'}, {'value' : '20:00', 'text' : '08:00 PM'}, {'value' : '20:30', 'text' : '08:30 PM'}, {'value' : '21:00', 'text' : '09:00 PM'}, {'value' : '21:30', 'text' : '09:30 PM'}, {'value' : '22:00', 'text' : '10:00 PM'}, {'value' : '22:30', 'text' : '10:30 PM'}, {'value' : '23:00', 'text' : '11:00 PM'}, {'value' : '23:30', 'text' : '11:30 PM'}, ]; luna_utils.shop_app_delivery_times = [ {'value' : '09:00', 'text' : '09:00 AM'}, {'value' : '09:30', 'text' : '09:30 AM'}, {'value' : '10:00', 'text' : '10:00 AM'}, {'value' : '10:30', 'text' : '10:30 AM'}, {'value' : '11:00', 'text' : '11:00 AM'}, {'value' : '11:30', 'text' : '11:30 AM'}, {'value' : '12:00', 'text' : '12:00 Noon'}, {'value' : '12:30', 'text' : '12:30 PM'}, {'value' : '13:00', 'text' : '01:00 PM'}, {'value' : '13:30', 'text' : '01:30 PM'}, {'value' : '14:00', 'text' : '02:00 PM'}, {'value' : '14:30', 'text' : '02:30 PM'}, {'value' : '15:00', 'text' : '03:00 PM'}, {'value' : '15:30', 'text' : '03:30 PM'}, {'value' : '16:00', 'text' : '04:00 PM'}, {'value' : '16:30', 'text' : '04:30 PM'}, {'value' : '17:00', 'text' : '05:00 PM'}, {'value' : '17:30', 'text' : '05:30 PM'}, {'value' : '18:00', 'text' : '06:00 PM'}, {'value' : '18:30', 'text' : '06:30 PM'}, {'value' : '19:00', 'text' : '07:00 PM'}, {'value' : '19:30', 'text' : '07:30 PM'}, {'value' : '20:00', 'text' : '08:00 PM'}, {'value' : '20:30', 'text' : '08:30 PM'}, {'value' : '21:00', 'text' : '09:00 PM'}, ]; luna_utils.array_seperator = '~!#~'; luna_utils.has_scope_access = function(array_to_filter, col_to_filter_by, priv_id, year_id, object_id_to_check_access) { let access = luna_utils.filter_options_based_on_my_priv_scope(array_to_filter, col_to_filter_by, priv_id, year_id, true); // console.log("access = ", access); let record = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(access, col_to_filter_by, object_id_to_check_access); // console.log("record = ", record); // console.log("object_id_to_check_access = ", object_id_to_check_access); return record.length > 0; }; luna_utils.is_scope_filter_applicable = function(priv_id) { if (luna_datac.user_type_id < 30 || luna_utils.search_JSON_array(luna_datac.privileges_with_scope, 'priv_id', priv_id) == false) { return false; } return true; }; luna_utils.filter_subjects_based_on_my_feed_marks_scope = function() { // let subjects = luna_utils.filter_options_based_on_my_priv_scope(luna_datac.subjects, 'subject_id', 5001, year_id, true); }; // luna_utils.filter_options_based_on_my_priv_scope(luna_datac.classes, 'class_id', 2021, 'class_id', 2021) luna_utils.filter_options_based_on_my_priv_scope = function(array_to_filter, col_to_filter_by, priv_id, year_id, exit_if_no_records_found) { exit_if_no_records_found = typeof exit_if_no_records_found !== 'undefined' ? exit_if_no_records_found : true; let return_value = []; if (!luna_utils.is_scope_filter_applicable(priv_id)) { return array_to_filter; } if (luna_core.has_privilege(priv_id)) { let filtered_scope = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.my_priv_scope, 'priv_id', priv_id); if (year_id > 0) { filtered_scope = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(filtered_scope, 'year_id', year_id); } let values = luna_utils.array_column(filtered_scope, col_to_filter_by); return_value = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array_with_array(array_to_filter, col_to_filter_by, values); } if (exit_if_no_records_found) { if (return_value.length == 0) { let solution = luna_utils.get_solution(priv_id); let error_message = "You do not have sufficient permission scope to perform this action."; if (!luna_core.has_privilege(priv_id)) { error_message = "You do not have sufficient permission to perform this action. Error P-" + priv_id + ". Please contact your Administrator / Customer Care."; solution = []; } if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { dsplma.render_menu(false); } else { luna_app.close_page(); } luna_utils.open_error_modal_solution({ response_code: -1, response_message: error_message, solution: solution, }); return false; } } return return_value; }; luna_utils.luna_md5 = function(string) { return md5_lib.md5("luna "+string+" md5 ~!@#$%^&*()_=-+ "+string+" LUNA"); }; luna_utils.exportToJsonFile = function(json_data, file_name_with_extension) { let dataStr = JSON.stringify(json_data); dataStr = dataStr.replace(/\\/g,''); let linkElement = document.createElement('a'); linkElement.setAttribute('href', 'data:application/json;charset=utf-8,'+ encodeURIComponent(dataStr)); linkElement.setAttribute('download', file_name_with_extension); linkElement.click(); }; luna_utils.get__filtered_party_ledgers = function(VOUCHER_TYPE_ID) { var party_ledgers = []; var temp_ledgers = []; VOUCHER_TYPE_ID = typeof VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == 'undefined' ? -1 : VOUCHER_TYPE_ID; temp_ledgers = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.acc_ledgers, 'ledger_group_template_id', luna_core.hc__ledger_template_cash_in_hand); party_ledgers = party_ledgers.concat(temp_ledgers); if (VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == -1 || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__purchase_invoices || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__purchase_returns || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__receipt_note || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__delivery_note) { temp_ledgers = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.acc_ledgers, 'ledger_group_template_id', luna_core.hc__ledger_template_sundry_creditors); // PURCHASE party_ledgers = party_ledgers.concat(temp_ledgers); } if (VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == -1 || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__sale_invoices || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__sale_returns || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__receipt_note || VOUCHER_TYPE_ID == luna_core.hc__voucher_types__delivery_note) { temp_ledgers = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.acc_ledgers, 'ledger_group_template_id', luna_core.hc__ledger_template_sundry_debtors); // SALE party_ledgers = party_ledgers.concat(temp_ledgers); } temp_ledgers = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.acc_ledgers, 'show_in_purcase_and_sale_both', 1); party_ledgers = party_ledgers.concat(temp_ledgers); return party_ledgers; }; /* luna_utils.convert_unitx = function(src_unit_qty, src_unit_id, dest_unit_id, alternate_unit_id, base_unit_id_of_product, alternate_unit_conversion_value) { let inv2_units = luna_datac.inv2_units; let src_unit = luna_utils.search_JSON_array(inv2_units, 'unit_id', src_unit_id); let dest_unit = luna_utils.search_JSON_array(inv2_units, 'unit_id', dest_unit_id); if (src_unit.base_unit_id == dest_unit.base_unit_id) { return (src_unit_qty * src_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit) / dest_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit; } let alternate_unit = luna_utils.search_JSON_array(inv2_units, 'unit_id', alternate_unit_id); if (src_unit.base_unit_id == base_unit_id_of_product) { return ((src_unit_qty * src_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit) * (alternate_unit_conversion_value * dest_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit)) * alternate_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit; } else if (dest_unit.base_unit_id == base_unit_id_of_product) { return ((src_unit_qty * src_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit / alternate_unit_conversion_value) / alternate_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit) / dest_unit.conversion_value_with_base_unit; } return 0; }; */ luna_utils.apply_form_field_settings = function(page_id) { if (luna_datac.sys_form_field_settings) { let sys_form_field_settings = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.sys_form_field_settings, 'page_id', page_id); if (sys_form_field_settings.length > 0) { let field_id = ''; let default_value = ''; for (let x=0; x').removeClass(['border', 'border-dark']); body_element_id = 'body_content_div'; footer_element_id = 'button_content_div'; $("#" + footer_element_id).append(' Cancel'); $("#__ng_Modal_dialog").removeClass('h-100').addClass('modal-dialog-centered'); } else { $("#__ng_Modal_dialog").removeClass('modal-xl').addClass('modal-dialog-centered d-flex mt-0'); $("#__ng_Modal_content_div").css("width", "500px"); $("#__ng_close_btn").addClass('btn-danger btn-md').removeClass(['btn-sm', 'btn-info']); $("#" + footer_element_id).addClass('justify-content-center border-0 p-3'); $("#__ng_close_btn_label").html('Cancel'); } $("#" + body_element_id).html(' \ \ \ \ \ ' + confirmation_message + ' \ \ '); $("#" + header_element_id).hide(); $("#__ng_Modal_confirm_button").remove(); $("#" + footer_element_id).prepend(' Confirm'); $("#" + modal_element_id).modal('show'); $('#' + footer_element_id).off('click'); // $('#' + modal_element_id).off('hidden.bs.modal'); // $('#' + modal_element_id).off('shown.bs.modal'); let handle_hidden_bs_modal_event = true; let handle_success_bs_modal_event = false; $("#" + footer_element_id).on('click', '#__ng_Modal_confirm_button', function(e) { handle_hidden_bs_modal_event = false; handle_success_bs_modal_event = true; $("#" + modal_element_id).modal('hide'); }); $("#" + footer_element_id).on('click', '#__ng_close_btn' ,function(e) { handle_hidden_bs_modal_event = true; /* handle_hidden_bs_modal_event = false; if (cancel_function) { cancel_function(e); } */ }); $("#" + modal_element_id).on('hidden.bs.modal', function(e) { if (confirm_function && handle_success_bs_modal_event) { confirm_function(e); handle_success_bs_modal_event = false; return; } if (cancel_function && handle_hidden_bs_modal_event) { cancel_function(e); handle_hidden_bs_modal_event = false; } }); $("#" + modal_element_id).on('shown.bs.modal', function() { $("#__ng_close_btn").focus(); }); }; luna_utils.get_current_file_id = function() { let FILE_ID = 0; // luna_app.get_hash_param_value('___ca', 0); if (luna_utils.is_sg_page()) { FILE_ID = luna_tf.get_report_id(); // returns the page id - r_id in case of SG } else { FILE_ID = $("#hot_t_id").val(); // same id stores the file_id for hot and hotm } return FILE_ID; }; luna_utils.is_sg_page = function() { if (!luna_app.is_mobile_app) { const CA_ID = luna_app.get_hash_param_value('___ca', 0); if (CA_ID == 20068088 || CA_ID == 20631258) { // sg or dashboard return true; } return $("div.sg_table_wrapper").length > 0; } return ($("div.sg_output_table_container_div").length > 0) || ($("#___ca_id").val() > 0); }; luna_utils.is_object_editor_page = function() { const CA_ID = luna_utils.get_param_value('___ca', 0); return CA_ID == '20846594' || $("#__is_object_editor__").length == 1; }; luna_utils.is_hot2_page = function() { if (!luna_app.is_mobile_app) { const CA_ID = luna_app.get_hash_param_value('___ca', 0); return CA_ID == 20741645; } return false; }; luna_utils.is_hot_3k = function() { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { return $("#hot_container_div").length > 0; } else { let force_hot3k = luna_utils.get_param_value('force_hot3k', 0); if (force_hot3k == 1) { $("#hot_switch_span").hide(); return $("#hot_container_div").length > 0; } let current_page_switch_type = $("#current_page_switch_type").val(); current_page_switch_type = typeof current_page_switch_type == 'undefined' ? '' : current_page_switch_type; if (current_page_switch_type == '') { if (luna_app.is_mobile_browser()) { return $("#hot_container_div").length > 0 || luna_utils.is_hot2_page(); } } else { return current_page_switch_type == 2; } } return false; }; luna_utils.is_mobile_browser = function() { // return $(window).width() < 768; var check = false; (function(a){if(/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino/i.test(a)||/1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0,4))) check = true;})(navigator.userAgent||navigator.vendor||window.opera); return check; }; luna_utils.add_lock_icon_event_listener = function(COLUMN_ID) { // Called from luna_hf.add_lock_icon $("#" + COLUMN_ID).on('change', function() { const FILE_ID = luna_utils.get_current_file_id(); if (luna_datac.um_locked_field_values && FILE_ID > 0) { let record = luna_utils.search_JSON_array_with_2_values(luna_datac.um_locked_field_values, 'file_id', FILE_ID, 'column_id', COLUMN_ID); if (record) { let current_value = $(this).val(); let icon_element = $("#field_lock_icon_" + COLUMN_ID); if (current_value != record.locked_value) { icon_element.addClass('different_from_locked_value'); } else { icon_element.removeClass('different_from_locked_value'); } } } }); }; luna_utils.field_lock_icon_clicked = function(COLUMN_ID) { // Sends lock setting to server const FILE_ID = luna_utils.get_current_file_id(); if (FILE_ID > 0) { let field_lock_icon = $("#field_lock_icon_" + COLUMN_ID); let delete_record = field_lock_icon.hasClass('unlocked') ? 0 : 1; if (delete_record == 1 && field_lock_icon.hasClass('different_from_locked_value')) { delete_record = 0; } let LOCKED_VALUE = ''; let data2send = 'COLUMN_ID=' + COLUMN_ID + '&FILE_ID=' + FILE_ID + '&delete_record=' + delete_record; if (delete_record == 0) { LOCKED_VALUE = $("#" + COLUMN_ID).val(); data2send += '&LOCKED_VALUE=' + LOCKED_VALUE; } luna_utils.get_response(10368605, data2send, function(response) { if (response.response_code == 1) { luna_app.show_success_message(response.response_message); field_lock_icon.removeClass('different_from_locked_value'); luna_datac.um_locked_field_values = response.um_locked_field_values; if (delete_record == 1) { luna_utils.set_unlock_icon(COLUMN_ID); // show unlock icon } else { luna_utils.set_lock_icon(COLUMN_ID); // show lock icon } } else { luna_app.show_error_message(response.response_message); } }); } else { luna_app.show_error_message('File ID not found. ' + luna_utils.please_contact_customer_care); } }; luna_utils.set_lock_icon = function(COLUMN_ID) { // show lock icon let icon_element = $("#field_lock_icon_" + COLUMN_ID); icon_element.removeClass(['unlocked', 'fa-unlock']); icon_element.addClass('fa-lock locked'); }; luna_utils.set_unlock_icon = function(COLUMN_ID) { // show unlock icon let icon_element = $("#field_lock_icon_" + COLUMN_ID); icon_element.addClass('unlocked fa-unlock'); icon_element.removeClass(['fa-lock', 'locked']); }; luna_utils.apply_locked_field_values = function(FILE_ID) { // gets called from sg.js inside luna_sg.populate_form_from_cache if (luna_datac.um_locked_field_values) { let records = luna_utils.filter_JSON_Array(luna_datac.um_locked_field_values, 'file_id', FILE_ID); let COLUMN_ID = ''; let LOCKED_VALUE = ''; if (records.length > 0) { for (let x=0; x 0) { // if multipleSelect - use setSelects method LOCKED_VALUE = LOCKED_VALUE.split(','); $("#" + COLUMN_ID).multipleSelect('setSelects', LOCKED_VALUE); } else { // not setting the value through val() method in case of multiselect - because setSelects does that $("#" + COLUMN_ID).val(LOCKED_VALUE); // updates the column value to locked value present in cache } if ($("#" + COLUMN_ID + '_chosen').length > 0) { // if chosen visible $("#" + COLUMN_ID).trigger('chosen:updated'); // updates the chosen dropdown } luna_utils.set_lock_icon(COLUMN_ID); // applies lock icon } } } }; luna_utils.last_scrollLeft = 0; luna_utils.window_scoll_timer = -1; luna_utils.stick_elements_to_left_while_scrolling = function() { // adding left to the elemets given - making the elements stick to left while scrollingx if (luna_utils.window_scoll_timer != -1) { window.clearTimeout(luna_utils.window_scoll_timer); } luna_utils.window_scoll_timer = window.setTimeout(function() { let new_scrollLeft = $(this).scrollLeft(); if (new_scrollLeft != luna_utils.last_scrollLeft) { $('.window_scroll_sticky_left_element').css('left', new_scrollLeft + 'px'); luna_utils.last_scrollLeft = new_scrollLeft; luna_utils.prevent_overscrolling_of_report(); } }, 20); }; luna_utils.prevent_overscrolling_of_report = function() { if (!luna_app.is_mobile_app && luna_utils.is_mobile_browser() && luna_utils.is_sg_page()) { if ($("#form1").is(":visible")) { let form_width = $("#form1 #uitable").outerWidth(); if (form_width > visualViewport.width) { $("#form1").closest('div.luna_primary_form_container.window_scroll_sticky_left_element').addClass('position-static'); } else { $("#form1").closest('div.luna_primary_form_container.window_scroll_sticky_left_element.position-static').removeClass('position-static'); } } } }; luna_utils.register_main_listeners = function() { $(window).scroll(function() { luna_utils.stick_elements_to_left_while_scrolling(); // adding left to the elemets given - making the elements stick to left while scrolling if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { dsplma_side_nav.isScrolledIntoView($("#app_body")); } }); $(document).on('click', 'i.field_lock_icon', function() { // Remove from here const COLUMN_ID = $(this).attr('id').split('field_lock_icon_')[1]; luna_utils.field_lock_icon_clicked(COLUMN_ID); }); $(document).bind('dblclick', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); $(document).on('blur', '[luna_capitalize=on]', function(e) { luna_utils.capitalize_field_value($(this).attr('id')); }); $(document).on('blur', '[auto_validate_as=mobile]', function(e) { luna_utils.auto_correct_mobile_num_field($(this)); }); $(document).on('submit', 'form:not([allow-submit])', function (event) { event.preventDefault(); }); /* add allowed_keys class to input fields add attribute allowed_chars to restrict finite set of allowed characters */ $(document).on('keypress', 'input.allowed_keys,textarea.allowed_keys', function (event) { // change event removed because key has been written and event fires afer that luna_v.allowed_keys_keypress(event, this); }); $(document).on('change', "[auto_validate_as='date']", function() { var $this = $(this); let old_date_value = $this.val(); let new_date_value = luna_d.parse_date(old_date_value); if (old_date_value != new_date_value) { $this.val(new_date_value).trigger('change'); } luna_wid.update_ndp_fields($this); }); if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $(document).on('click', 'a.luna_external_link', function(event) { dsplma.luna_external_link__clicked($(this).attr('href_url'), event); }); $(document).on('change keydown', function (e) { dsplma.hideStatusBar(); dsplma_s.extend_session(); }); $(document).on('click', "input, button", function (e) { dsplma.hideStatusBar(); // dsplma_s.extend_session(); }); } luna_utils.eye_uneye_icon(); // remove this , optimize }; luna_utils.image_not_available = function(img) { // $(img).remove(); }; luna_utils.eye_uneye_icon = function() { $(document).on('click', 'i.eye_icon', function() { let fieldID = $(this).attr('fieldID'); if ($(this).hasClass('fa-eye')) { $(this).removeClass('fa-eye').addClass('fa-eye-slash'); $("#" + fieldID).attr('type', 'password').focus(); } else { $(this).addClass('fa-eye').removeClass('fa-eye-slash'); $("#" + fieldID).attr('type', 'text').focus(); } }) }; luna_utils.discard_pasted_image = function(event, field_id) { luna_app.clear_statusBar(); let supports_multiple = $("#" + field_id)[0].hasAttribute('multiple'); let file_item_to_remove = $(event.target).closest('div.pasted_file_item'); let file_path = file_item_to_remove.find('a[orig_path]').attr('orig_path'); file_item_to_remove.remove(); let already_pasted_file_paths = []; if (supports_multiple) { already_pasted_file_paths = $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(); already_pasted_file_paths = already_pasted_file_paths.split(','); luna_utils.remove_element_from_array(already_pasted_file_paths, file_path); $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(already_pasted_file_paths.join(',')); } if (already_pasted_file_paths.length == 0 || !supports_multiple) { $("#rectangle_paste_box_" + field_id).show(); $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(''); $("#" + field_id).show(); } }; luna_utils.reset_pasted_image = function(field_id) { if ($("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').length == 0) { return; } let pasted_file_path = $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(); if (pasted_file_path == '') { return; } let supports_multiple = $("#" + field_id)[0].hasAttribute('multiple'); if (supports_multiple) { pasted_file_path = pasted_file_path.split(','); for (let x=0; x'); $("#" + field_id).on('change', function() { if ($(this).val() != '') { $("#rectangle_paste_box_" + field_id).hide(); $("#" + field_id + "_PASTED_FILE_PATH").val(''); } else { $("#rectangle_paste_box_" + field_id).show(); } }); $("#" + field_id).addClass('paste_icon_parent'); $(` Click here and press Ctrl + V to paste `).insertAfter("#" + field_id); $(document).off('paste'); $(document).on('paste', function(event) { if ($(event.target).hasClass('rectangle_paste_box')) { var clipboardData = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items; var data_url = clipboardData[0].getAsFile(); if (data_url != null) { // data_url is too big encoded data - so has to convert it into blob to set blob in formData which would then be sent to server var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(reader_event){ luna_app.showBusyUI(true); function dataURLtoBlob(dataUrl) { const parts = dataUrl.split(';base64,'); const contentType = parts[0].split(':')[1]; const raw = window.atob(parts[1]); const rawLength = raw.length; const uint8Array = new Uint8Array(rawLength); for (let i = 0; i < rawLength; ++i) { uint8Array[i] = raw.charCodeAt(i); } return new Blob([uint8Array], { type: contentType }); } var blob = dataURLtoBlob(reader_event.target.result); luna_app.showBusyUI(false); let rect_field_id = (event.target.id).replace('rectangle_paste_box_', ''); luna_utils.paste_command_executed(blob, data_url.name, rect_field_id, allowed_extenstions); } reader.readAsDataURL(data_url); } else { luna_app.show_error_message('Clipboard does not have any file to paste'); } } }); }; luna_utils.rename_pasted_image = function(event, field_id) { let file_item = $(event.target).closest('div.pasted_file_item'); let orig_path = file_item.find('a[orig_path]').attr('orig_path'); let file_path = orig_path.split('/').pop(); file_path = file_path.split("."); file_path.pop(); let file_name = file_path.join("."); let new_file_name = window.prompt("Rename File", file_name); if (new_file_name != '' && new_file_name != null && new_file_name != file_name) { let data2send = 'orig_path=' + orig_path + '&new_file_name=' + new_file_name; luna_utils.get_response(10185906, data2send, function(response) { if (response.response_code == 1) { let new_file_path = response.new_file_path; new_file_name = new_file_path.split('/').pop(); file_item.find('a[orig_path]').attr('orig_path', new_file_path).attr('href', luna_ws.WEBSERVICE_HOST + '/' + new_file_path).html(new_file_name); let supports_multiple = $("#" + field_id)[0].hasAttribute('multiple'); if (supports_multiple) { let already_pasted_file_paths = $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(); if (already_pasted_file_paths == '') { $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(new_file_path); } else { already_pasted_file_paths = already_pasted_file_paths.split(','); for (let x=0; x `).insertAfter("#pasted_files_container_" + field_id); $("#pasted_file_item_" + id_suffix).show(); $("#pasted_file_name_" + id_suffix).html('' + file_name + ''); if (supports_multiple) { let already_pasted_file_paths = $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(); if (already_pasted_file_paths == '') { $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(file_path); } else { already_pasted_file_paths = already_pasted_file_paths.split(','); already_pasted_file_paths.push(file_path); $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(already_pasted_file_paths.join(',')); } } else { $("#rectangle_paste_box_" + id_suffix).hide(); $("#" + field_id + '_PASTED_FILE_PATH').val(file_path); } luna_app.show_success_message("File pasted successfully"); } else { luna_app.show_error_message(response.response_message); } }); }; luna_utils.get_unselected_options2 = function(field_id) { var un_selected_options = []; $("#" + field_id + " option:not(:checked)").map(function(index, element) { un_selected_options.push($(element).val()); }); return un_selected_options; }; luna_utils.get_unselected_options = function(field_id) { var last_filtered_options = $("#" + field_id).attr('last_filtered_options'); last_filtered_options = last_filtered_options.split(luna_utils.array_seperator); var selected_options = []; $("#" + field_id + " option:checked").map(function(index, element) { selected_options.push($(element).val()); }); var unselected_options = []; for (let x=0; x 0) { response_message += " [CL-" + client_id + "]"; } } let body_html = '' + response_message + 'Steps to solve this error:'; let heading = ''; let has_sub_steps = false; for(x=0; x ' + heading; if (has_sub_steps) { sub_steps = solution[x].sub_steps; body_html += ''; for (y=0; y' + sub_steps[y] + ''; } body_html += ''; } body_html += ''; } body_html += ''; let html_to_prepend_to_buttons_div = ''; if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { html_to_prepend_to_buttons_div = ''; } luna_utils.show_modal('Error and its solution', body_html, html_to_prepend_to_buttons_div); return true; };"use strict"; var luna_d = {}; luna_d.___dtCh= "/"; luna_d.___minYear=1900; luna_d.___maxYear=2099; luna_d.parse_date = function(input) { if (input != null && input != undefined) { if (input.length > 0) { var value = Date.parse(input); if (value != null) { return value.toString("dd/MM/yyyy"); } } } return input; }; luna_d.today_day_as_in_MySQL = function() { let today_date = new Date(); let today_day = today_date.getDay() - 1; // Match with MySQL values. if (today_day == -1) { today_day = 6; // Match with MySQL values. } return today_day; }; luna_d.first_date_of_this_month = function() { var date = new Date(); var first_Date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), 1); return luna_d.format_date(first_Date); }; luna_d.last_date_of_this_month = function() { var date = new Date(); var days = luna_d.get_total_days_of_month(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1) var last_Date = new Date(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth(), days); return luna_d.format_date(last_Date); }; luna_d.today = function() { return luna_d.format_date(new Date()); }; luna_d.tomorrow = function() { return luna_d.format_date(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1))); }; luna_d.yesterday = function() { return luna_d.format_date(new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 1))); }; luna_d.get_financial_year = function(date_dd_mm_yyyy) { var array = date_dd_mm_yyyy.split('/'); var year = array[2]; var month = array[1]; if (month < 4) { return year - 1; } return year; }; luna_d.format_date = function(date) { var dd = date.getDate(); var mm = date.getMonth() + 1; // January is 0 var yyyy = date.getFullYear(); dd = dd < 10 ? '0' + dd : dd; mm = mm < 10 ? '0' + mm : mm; return dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy; }; luna_d.format_as_yyyy_mm_dd = function(yyyy, mm, dd) { dd = 1 * dd; mm = 1 * mm; dd = dd < 10 ? '0' + dd : dd; mm = mm < 10 ? '0' + mm : mm; return yyyy + '-' + mm + '-' + dd; }; luna_d.format_as_dd_mm_yyyy = function(yyyy, mm, dd) { dd = 1 * dd; mm = 1 * mm; dd = dd < 10 ? '0' + dd : dd; mm = mm < 10 ? '0' + mm : mm; return dd + '/' + mm + '/' + yyyy; }; luna_d.convert_date_from_yyyymmdd_to_ddmmyyyy_format = function(yyyymmdd) { if (yyyymmdd == '' || yyyymmdd == '0000-00-00' || yyyymmdd == 'NULL') { return ''; } return yyyymmdd.split('-').reverse().join("/"); }; luna_d.convert_date_from_ddmmyyyy_to_yyyymmdd_format = function(ddmmyyyy) { if (ddmmyyyy == '' || ddmmyyyy == '0000-00-00' || ddmmyyyy == 'NULL') { return ''; } return ddmmyyyy.split('/').reverse().join("-"); }; luna_d.___isInteger = function(s){ var i; for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++){ // Check that current character is number. var c = s.charAt(i); if (((c < "0") || (c > "9"))) return false; } // All characters are numbers. return true; }; luna_d.stripCharsInBag = function(s, bag){ var i; var returnString = ""; // Search through string's characters one by one. // If character is not in bag, append to returnString. for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++){ var c = s.charAt(i); if (bag.indexOf(c) == -1) returnString += c; } return returnString; }; luna_d.get_total_days_of_month = function(year, month) { return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate(); }; luna_d.daysInFebruary = function(year){ // February has 29 days in any year evenly divisible by four, // EXCEPT for centurial years which are not also divisible by 400. return (((year % 4 === 0) && ( (!(year % 100 === 0)) || (year % 400 === 0))) ? 29 : 28 ); }; luna_d.DaysArray = function(n) { for (var i = 1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = 31; if (i==4 || i==6 || i==9 || i==11) { this[i] = 30; } if (i==2) { this[i] = 29; } } return this; }; luna_d.isDate = function(dtStr, date_field_name){ var daysInMonth = luna_d.DaysArray(12); var pos1=dtStr.indexOf(luna_d.___dtCh); var pos2=dtStr.indexOf(luna_d.___dtCh,pos1+1); var strDay=dtStr.substring(0,pos1); var strMonth=dtStr.substring(pos1+1,pos2); var strYear=dtStr.substring(pos2+1); var strYr=strYear; if (strDay.charAt(0)=="0" && strDay.length>1) { strDay=strDay.substring(1); } if (strMonth.charAt(0)=="0" && strMonth.length>1) { strMonth=strMonth.substring(1); } for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { if (strYr.charAt(0)=="0" && strYr.length>1) { strYr=strYr.substring(1); } } var month=parseInt(strMonth); var day=parseInt(strDay); var year=parseInt(strYr); if (pos1==-1 || pos2==-1){ luna_app.show_error_message(date_field_name + " : The date format should be : dd/mm/yyyy"); return false; } if (strMonth.length<1 || month<1 || month>12){ luna_app.show_error_message(date_field_name + " : Please enter a valid month"); return false; } if (strDay.length<1 || day<1 || day>31 || (month==2 && day>luna_d.daysInFebruary(year)) || day > daysInMonth[month]){ luna_app.show_error_message(date_field_name + " : Please enter a valid date"); return false; } if (strYear.length != 4 || year===0 || yearluna_d.___maxYear){ luna_app.show_error_message(date_field_name + " : Please enter a valid 4 digit year between "+luna_d.___minYear+" and "+luna_d.___maxYear); return false; } if (dtStr.indexOf(luna_d.___dtCh,pos2+1)!=-1 || luna_d.___isInteger(luna_d.stripCharsInBag(dtStr, luna_d.___dtCh))===false){ luna_app.show_error_message(date_field_name + " : Please enter a valid date in dd/mm/yyyy format"); return false; } return true; };"use strict"; const luna_hf = {}; /* If show_if_multiple is false: fieldID will not be made visible, if fieldID may already be hidden */ luna_hf.hide_dropdown_if_it_has_zero_or_one_option = function(fieldID, show_if_multiple) { const options_count = $("#" + fieldID + " option").length; if (options_count <= 1) { luna_hf.hide_field(fieldID); } else { if (show_if_multiple) { luna_hf.show_field(fieldID); } } }; luna_hf.hide_dropdown_if_it_has_zero_or_one_option_using_class = function(fieldID, show_if_multiple) { const options_count = $("#" + fieldID + " option").length; if (options_count <= 1) { luna_hf.hide_field_using_class(fieldID); } else { if (show_if_multiple) { luna_hf.show_field_using_class(fieldID); } } }; luna_hf.add_academic_session_dd = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px, multi_select) { multi_select = typeof multi_select != 'undefined' ? multi_select : false; luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Academic Session', fieldID, luna_datac.year_master, 'year_id', 'year_name', luna_datac.current_academic_session, width_px, multi_select, true); }; luna_hf.add_mandatory_multi_select_stu_groups_dropdown = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px) { if (luna_datac.stu_groups.length > 0) { let stu_groups = [{ stu_group_id: 0, stu_group_name: '[ALL STUDENTS]' }]; stu_groups = $.merge(stu_groups, luna_datac.stu_groups); luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Student Group', fieldID, stu_groups, 'stu_group_id', 'stu_group_name', '', width_px, true, true); } }; luna_hf.add_class_groups_dd = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px, multi_select) { luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Class', fieldID, luna_datac.class_groups, 'class_group_id', 'class_group_name', 0, width_px, multi_select, true); }; luna_hf.add_all_exams_dd = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px, multi_select) { multi_select = typeof multi_select != 'undefined' ? multi_select : false; let value = luna_datac.setting_values[98]; // Last Exam ID used in Feed Marks let column_to_display = 'unique_exam_name'; if (luna_datac.user_type_id <= 15) { column_to_display = 'unique_exam_name__exam_id'; } luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Exam', fieldID, luna_datac.all_exams, 'exam_id', column_to_display, value, width_px, multi_select, true); }; luna_hf.add_real_exams_dd = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px, multi_select) { multi_select = typeof multi_select != 'undefined' ? multi_select : false; let value = luna_datac.setting_values[98]; // Last Exam ID used in Feed Marks let column_to_display = 'unique_exam_name'; if (luna_datac.user_type_id <= 15) { column_to_display = 'unique_exam_name__exam_id'; } luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Exam', fieldID, luna_datac.real_exams, 'exam_id', column_to_display, value, width_px, multi_select, true); }; luna_hf.add_single_select_sre_class_dropdown = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px, scope_priv_id) { let classes_to_render = luna_datac.classes; scope_priv_id = typeof scope_priv_id != 'undefined' ? scope_priv_id : 0; if (scope_priv_id > 0) { classes_to_render = luna_utils.filter_options_based_on_my_priv_scope(luna_datac.classes, 'class_id', scope_priv_id, 0, true); } luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, luna_labels.class_label, fieldID, classes_to_render, 'class_id', 'class_name', 0, width_px, false, true); }; luna_hf.add_multi_select_sre_class_grouped_dropdown = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px, scope_priv_id) { let classes_to_render = luna_datac.classes; scope_priv_id = typeof scope_priv_id != 'undefined' ? scope_priv_id : 0; if (scope_priv_id > 0) { classes_to_render = luna_utils.filter_options_based_on_my_priv_scope(luna_datac.classes, 'class_id', scope_priv_id); } if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_dropdown_field_grouped(tableid, luna_labels.class_label, fieldID, classes_to_render, 'class_id', 'class_name', 0, true, luna_datac.class_groups, 'class_group_id', 'class_group_name', true); } else { luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray_grouped(tableid, luna_labels.class_label, fieldID, classes_to_render, 'class_id', 'class_name', 0, width_px, true, luna_datac.class_groups, 'class_group_id', 'class_group_name', true); } }; luna_hf.add_multi_select_fee_items_grouped_dropdown = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_dropdown_field(tableid, 'Fee Item', fieldID, luna_datac.fee_items, 'fee_item_id', 'fee_item_name', 0, true, true); } else { luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray_grouped(tableid, 'Fee Item', fieldID, luna_datac.fee_items, 'fee_item_id', 'fee_item_name', 0, width_px, true, luna_datac.fee_heads, 'fee_head_id', 'fee_head_name', true); } }; luna_hf.add_multi_select_fcc_dropdown = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px) { luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Fee Concession Category', fieldID, luna_datac.fee_concession_categories, 'fcc_id', 'fcc_name', 0, width_px, true, true); }; luna_hf.add_mandatory_multi_select_class_set_dropdown = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px) { luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Class Set', fieldID, luna_datac.class_sets, 'class_set_id', 'class_set_name', '', width_px, true, true); if (luna_datac.class_sets.length == 1) { luna_hf.hide_field(fieldID); } }; luna_hf.get_autocomplete_prop_and_val = function() { // let val = "off_" + (new Date()).getTime() + Math.random(); // return ' autocomplete="' + val.replace('.', '_') + '" '; return ' autocomplete="off" '; }; luna_hf.show_selected_files_in_ul = function(fieldID, ulID) { var files = $('#' + fieldID).prop("files"); var names = $.map(files, function(val) { return val.name; }); luna_hf.set_list_items(fieldID, ulID, names); }; luna_hf.set_list_items = function(fieldID, elementID, list_items) { $("#" + elementID + " li").remove(); for (var i=0; i" + list_items[i] + " "); } }; luna_hf.remove_single_file_item = function(event, fieldID) { let file_item_to_remove = $(event.target).closest('li.single_file_item').find('span.file_span').html(); var files = $('#' + fieldID).prop("files"); const dt = new DataTransfer(); $.map(files, function(file) { if (file.name == file_item_to_remove) { return; } dt.items.add(file); }); $('#' + fieldID)[0].files = dt.files; $(event.target).closest('li').remove(); if ($('#' + fieldID)[0].files.length == 0) { // show the rectangle paste div $("#rectangle_paste_box_" + fieldID).show(); } }; luna_hf.create_checkbox_field = function(label, fieldID, checked, readonly) { var checked_text = checked ? " CHECKED " : ''; var onclick = readonly ? ' onclick="return false;" class="always-checked-cbx" ' : ''; return ''; }; luna_hf.add_checkbox_row = function(tableid, label, fieldID, checked, readonly) { var field = luna_hf.create_checkbox_field(label, fieldID, checked, readonly); var tr = "" + field + " " + label + ""; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.add_date_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, value, mandatory, width_px, allow_future_date, allow_past_date) { luna_hf.add_date_field_with_given_format(tableid, label, ' (dd/mm/yyyy) ', fieldID, value, mandatory, width_px, allow_future_date, allow_past_date ); }; luna_hf.add_date_field_with_given_format = function(tableid, label, format_span, fieldID, value, mandatory, width_px, allow_future_date, allow_past_date) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_date_field(tableid, label, fieldID, value, mandatory, allow_future_date, allow_past_date); } else { var field = luna_hf.create_date_field(label, fieldID, value, mandatory, width_px, allow_future_date, allow_past_date); var mandatory_asterisk = mandatory ? ' *' : ''; var tr = '' + label + format_span + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); } }; luna_hf.create_date_field = function(label, fieldID, value, mandatory, width_px, allow_future_date, allow_past_date) { if (!luna_core.__ile__) { luna_utils.check_value(allow_future_date, "Field " + fieldID, 'allow_future_date', [true, false]); luna_utils.check_value(allow_past_date, "Field " + fieldID, 'allow_past_date', [true, false]); luna_utils.check_value(mandatory, "Field " + fieldID, 'mandatory', [true, false]); } value = value !== '' ? ' value="' + value + '" ' : ''; var mandatory_attr = mandatory ? ' is_mandatory="1" ' : ' is_mandatory="0" '; var allow_future_date_attr = allow_future_date ? ' allow_future_date="1" ' : ' allow_future_date="0" '; var allow_past_date_attr = allow_past_date ? ' allow_past_date="1" ' : ' allow_past_date="0" '; var style = ''; if (width_px > 0) { style = 'style = "width: ' + (width_px - 22) + 'px;"'; } return ''; }; luna_hf.add_option_to_dropdown = function(fieldID, option_value, option_text) { return $('#' + fieldID).prepend('' + option_text + ''); }; luna_hf.select_option_in_dropdown_if_available = function(fieldID, option_value) { if (typeof option_value == 'undefined') { return; } $('#' + fieldID).find('option[value="' + option_value + '"]').prop('selected', true); }; luna_hf.populate_dropdown = function(fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value) { var $field = $('#' + fieldID); let html = ''; let option_text = ''; for (var i in jsonArray) { option_text = jsonArray[i][display_field_name]; option_text = "" + option_text; option_text = option_text.replace(//ig, ' '); html += '' + option_text + ''; } $field.html(html); let count = $field.find('option[value="' + value + '"]').prop('selected', true).length; if (count < 1) { console.log("Value [" + value + "] not found in element [" + fieldID + "]"); } }; luna_hf.update_optgroup_children_count = function(fieldID) { // updates the native element - select dropdown // perform multipleselect 'refresh' after this function to apply the native element changes to ui multipleselect let label = ''; let children_count = ''; let remove_optgroups = []; let x=0; let select_optgroups = $("#" + fieldID + ' optgroup'); for (x=0; x')[0]; label = $.trim(label); children_count = $(select_optgroups[x]).find('option').length; if (children_count > 0) { $(select_optgroups[x]).attr('label', label + " (" + children_count + ")"); } else { remove_optgroups.push(select_optgroups[x]); } } for (x=0; x 0) { outgroup_label = array_2_group_by[x][name_of_group_field]; outgroup_label = outgroup_label.replace('"', '"'); outgroup_label = outgroup_label.replace('', ' '); outgroup_label = outgroup_label.replace('', ' '); if (outgroup_label == '') { outgroup_label = children[0][display_field_name]; } full_html += ''; for (y=0; y' + children[y][display_field_name] + ''; } full_html += ''; } } $field.append(full_html); $field.find('option[value="' + value + '"]').prop('selected', true); }; luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray = function(tableid, label, fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, width_px, multi_select, mandatory) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_dropdown_field(tableid, label, fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, multi_select, mandatory) } else { luna_hf.add_empty_dropdown_field(tableid, label, fieldID, width_px, multi_select, mandatory); luna_hf.populate_dropdown(fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value); } }; luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray_grouped = function(tableid, label, fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, width_px, multi_select, array_2_group_by, group_by_id_field, name_of_group_field, mandatory) { luna_hf.add_empty_dropdown_field(tableid, label, fieldID, width_px, multi_select, mandatory); luna_hf.populate_dropdown_grouped(fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, array_2_group_by, group_by_id_field, name_of_group_field); }; luna_hf.create_dropdown_field_only = function(label, fieldID, width_px, multi_select, mandatory) { if (!luna_core.__ile__) { luna_utils.check_value(mandatory, "Field " + fieldID, 'mandatory', [true, false, undefined]); } multi_select = typeof multi_select !== 'undefined' ? multi_select : false; mandatory = typeof mandatory !== 'undefined' ? mandatory : true; if (!multi_select) { mandatory = true; } var mandatory_attr = mandatory ? ' is_mandatory="1" ' : ' is_mandatory="0" '; // var mandatory_asterisk = mandatory ? ' *' : ''; var attributes = ''; if (multi_select) { attributes = ' auto_validate_as="multiselect" multiple="multiple" class="multiselect" '; } else if (mandatory) { attributes = ' auto_validate_as="select_dropdown" '; } var style = 'style = "width: ' + width_px + 'px;"'; return ''; }; luna_hf.add_empty_dropdown_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, width_px, multi_select, mandatory) { mandatory = typeof mandatory !== 'undefined' ? mandatory : true; if (!multi_select) { mandatory = true; } var mandatory_asterisk = mandatory ? ' *' : ''; var dropdown = luna_hf.create_dropdown_field_only(label, fieldID, width_px, multi_select, mandatory); var tr = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + dropdown + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.add_string_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, type, width_px) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, type) } else { var mandatory_asterisk = strMinLength > 0 ? ' *' : ''; var field = luna_hf.create_string_field_only(label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, type, width_px); var tr = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); } }; luna_hf.create_string_field_only = function(label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, type, width_px) { type = type == 'password' ? ' type="password" ' : ''; value = value !== '' ? ' value="' + value + '" ' : ''; var strMinLengthAttribute = strMinLength > 0 ? ' strMinLength="' + strMinLength + '" ' : ''; var style = ''; if (width_px > 0) { style = 'style = "width: ' + width_px + 'px;"'; } return ''; }; luna_hf.add_textarea = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px, height_px) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_textarea_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value); return; } var mandatory_asterisk = strMinLength > 0 ? ' *' : ''; var field = luna_hf.create_textarea_only(label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px, height_px); var tr = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.create_textarea_only = function(label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px, height_px) { var style = ''; if (width_px > 0 && height_px > 0) { style = 'style = "width: ' + width_px + 'px; height: ' + height_px + 'px;"'; } var strMinLengthAttribute = strMinLength > 0 ? ' strMinLength="' + strMinLength + '" ' : ''; return '' + value + ''; }; luna_hf.add_integer_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, width_px) { luna_hf.add_numeric_field(tableid, label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, width_px, 'int', "1234567890"); }; luna_hf.add_decimal_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, width_px) { luna_hf.add_numeric_field(tableid, label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, width_px, 'number', "1234567890."); }; luna_hf.add_numeric_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, width_px, validate_as, allowed_chars) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_numeric_field(tableid, label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, validate_as); return; } var mandatory_asterisk = mandatory ? ' *' : ''; var field = luna_hf.create_numeric_field_only(label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, width_px, validate_as); var tr = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("allowed_keys").attr("allowed_chars", allowed_chars); }; luna_hf.create_numeric_field_only = function(label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, width_px, validate_as) { if (!luna_core.__ile__) { luna_utils.check_value(mandatory, "Field " + fieldID, 'mandatory', [true, false]); } var allowed_chars = '1234567890'; if (validate_as == 'number') { allowed_chars += '.'; } if (minValue < 0) { allowed_chars += '-'; } var maxLength = ('' + maxValue).length; if (validate_as == 'number') { maxLength += 3; } value = value !== '' ? ' value="' + value + '" ' : ''; var style = ''; if (width_px > 0) { style = 'style = "width: ' + width_px + 'px;"'; } var mandatory_attr = mandatory ? ' is_mandatory="1" ' : ' is_mandatory="0" '; var min_attr = ' min-value="' + minValue + '" '; var max_attr = ' max-value="' + maxValue + '" '; var field = ''; return field; }; luna_hf.add_submit_and_close_buttons = function(tableid, submit_button_label, close_button_label, colspan, submit_button_keyboard_shortcut, luna_shortcut_description) { if (close_button_label == 'Close') { close_button_label = "Close"; } if (submit_button_label == 'Save' || submit_button_label == 'Show' || submit_button_label == 'Search') { if (submit_button_label == 'Save') { submit_button_label = "Save"; submit_button_keyboard_shortcut = 'alt+s'; } if (submit_button_label == 'Show') { submit_button_label = "Show"; submit_button_keyboard_shortcut = 'alt+h'; } if (submit_button_label == 'Search') { submit_button_label = "Search"; submit_button_keyboard_shortcut = 'alt+h'; } } var submitButton = ' ' + submit_button_label + ''; var closeButton = close_button_label === '' ? '' : ' ' + close_button_label + ''; var tr = '' + submitButton + closeButton + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); if (submit_button_keyboard_shortcut) { $("#the_save_button").addClass('luna_shortcut_handler').attr('luna_shortcut', submit_button_keyboard_shortcut); } if (luna_shortcut_description) { $("#the_save_button").attr('luna_shortcut_description', luna_shortcut_description); } }; luna_hf.add_admn_num_stu_name_field = function(tableid, fieldID, strMinLength, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, luna_labels.admn_num_full + ' / Student Name', fieldID, strMinLength, 100, '', '', width_px); }; luna_hf.add_email_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, '', width_px); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "email"); }; luna_hf.add_mobile_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength + 5, value, '', width_px); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "mobile"); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("allowed_keys created_by_hf").attr("allowed_chars", '1234567890,'); }; luna_hf.add_aadhaar_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, '', width_px); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "aadhaar"); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("allowed_keys").attr("allowed_chars", '1234567890'); }; luna_hf.add_time_hhmm_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, '', width_px); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "time_hhmm"); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("allowed_keys").attr("allowed_chars", '1234567890:'); }; luna_hf.add_gst_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, '', width_px); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "gst_number"); }; luna_hf.add_pancard_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, '', width_px); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "pan_number"); }; luna_hf.add_ip_address_field = function(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, width_px) { luna_hf.add_string_field(tableid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, '', width_px); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "ip_address"); }; luna_hf.add_table_row = function(tableid, td_array, opening_tr_tag) { var tr = typeof opening_tr_tag !== 'undefined' ? opening_tr_tag : ''; for (var i=0; i'; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.generate_blank_row = function(tableid) { var tr = ' '; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.add_label_row = function(tableid, label, ID4valueTD, value) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { luna_hf_m.add_label_field(tableid, label, ID4valueTD, value); return; } var tr = '' + label + '' + value + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.add_file = function(tableid, label, fieldID) { var field = luna_hf.create_file_field(label, fieldID); var tr = '' + label +'' + field + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.add_file_supporting_multiple_attachments = function(tableid, label, fieldID, is_mandatory, width_px) { var field = luna_hf.create_file_field(label, fieldID); var mandatory_asterisk = is_mandatory ? ' *' : ''; var tr = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk +'' + field + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); $("#" + fieldID).attr('name', fieldID + '[]'); $("#" + fieldID).attr('multiple', 'multiple'); $("#" + fieldID).attr('onchange', 'luna_hf.show_selected_files_in_ul(\'' + fieldID + '\', \'names_of_selected_files_' + fieldID + '\')'); $("#" + fieldID).css('width', width_px + 'px'); }; luna_hf.create_file_field = function(label, fieldID) { return ''; }; luna_hf.create_hidden_field = function(fieldID, value) { return ''; }; luna_hf.add_hidden_field_in_hidden_tr = function(tableid, fieldID, value) { var tr = '' + luna_hf.create_hidden_field(fieldID, value) + ''; $('#' + tableid).append(tr); }; luna_hf.add_lock_icon = function(elementID) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#" + elementID).before(' '); } else { $("#" + elementID).after(' '); } luna_utils.add_lock_icon_event_listener(elementID); }; luna_hf.set_popover_text = function(elementID, title, popover_text) { $("#" + elementID).after(' '); $("#" + elementID + "_info_icon").popover({ html: true, placement: "auto", trigger: 'hover', title: title, content: function() {return popover_text;}, }); }; luna_hf.show_field = function(field_id) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#container_hf_" + field_id).show(); } else { $("#" + field_id).closest('tr').show(); } }; luna_hf.hide_field = function(field_id) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#container_hf_" + field_id).hide(); } else { $("#" + field_id).closest('tr').hide(); } }; luna_hf.show_field_using_class = function(field_id) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#container_hf_" + field_id).removeClass('hidden_element'); } else { $("#" + field_id).closest('tr').removeClass('hidden_element'); } }; luna_hf.hide_field_using_class = function(field_id) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#container_hf_" + field_id).addClass('hidden_element'); } else { $("#" + field_id).closest('tr').addClass('hidden_element'); } }; luna_hf.is_field_visible_using_class = function(field_id) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { return !($("#container_hf_" + field_id).hasClass('hidden_element')); } else { return !($("#" + field_id).closest('tr').hasClass('hidden_element')); } }; luna_hf.remove_field = function(field_id) { if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#container_hf_" + field_id).remove(); } else { $("#" + field_id).closest('tr').remove(); } }; luna_hf.add_financial_year_dd = function(tableid, fieldID, width_px, multi_select) { multi_select = typeof multi_select != 'undefined' ? multi_select : false; luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_jsonArray(tableid, 'Financial Year', fieldID, luna_datac.year_master, 'year_id', 'year_name', luna_datac.current_academic_session, width_px, multi_select, true); }; /* luna_hf.set_popover_ul = function(elementID, title, list_items) { var popover_text = ""; for (var i=0; i" + list_items[i] + ""; } popover_text += ""; luna_hf.set_popover_text(elementID, title, popover_text); }; luna_hf.set_json_data_to_tbody = function(tbody_id, json_data, attributes_array, column_to_link, data_code_function, data_url) { column_to_link = typeof column_to_link !== 'undefined' ? column_to_link : ''; $('#' + tbody_id + ' tr').remove(); var td_array; for (var i=0; i' + json_data[i][attributes_array[x]] + ''); // '' + user_list[i].LOGIN_ID + '', } else { td_array.push('' + json_data[i][attributes_array[x]] + ''); } } luna_hf.add_table_row(tbody_id, td_array); } }; luna_hf.add_dropdown_field_via_url = function(tableid, label, fieldID, url, jsonArrayName, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, width_px, data2send, mandatory_multi_select) { luna_hf.add_empty_dropdown_field(tableid, label, fieldID, width_px, mandatory_multi_select); ss3_ns.webservice.get_response(data2send, url, function(response) { if (response.response_code == 1) { var jsonArray = eval('response.' + jsonArrayName); luna_hf.populate_dropdown(fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value); } else { ss3_ns.app.update_statusBar(response.response_message, 'failureResponse'); } }, 'json', false, false); }; luna_hf.wrap_in_td_tags = function(array) { for (var i=0; i' + array[i] + ''; } return array; }; */ Object.freeze(luna_hf);"use strict"; var luna_v = {}; luna_v.allowed_keys_keypress = function(event, source) { var allowed_chars = $(source).attr('allowed_chars'); if (typeof allowed_chars != 'undefined') { var charCode = !event.charCode ? event.which : event.charCode; if (charCode == 13) { return; } var character = String.fromCharCode(charCode); if (allowed_chars.indexOf(character) == -1) { event.preventDefault(); } } }; luna_v.validate_extension = function(formID, allowed_extenstions) { var file_fields = $("#" + formID + " :file"); if (allowed_extenstions) { if (allowed_extenstions.length > 0) { var x; for (x=0; x' + extension + " cannot be uploaded. It does not have extension. Allowed file types are " + allowed_extenstions.join(', ')); return false; } extension = '.' + extension.toLowerCase(); if (allowed_extenstions.indexOf(extension) == -1) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + extension + " cannot be uploaded. Allowed file types are " + allowed_extenstions.join(', ')); return false; } } else { luna_app.show_error_message('File ' + file_name + ' has special characters in the file name. Please rename the file and retry.'); return false; } } return true; }; luna_v.validateAllTabs = function(tabs_container_div_id) { if (!luna_v.validateFields(tabs_container_div_id)) { // Lets validate the active tab first return false; } var activeTab = $("#" + tabs_container_div_id).tabs( "option", "active" ); var returnValue = true; var tab_count = $("#" + tabs_container_div_id + " ul li a.tabLink").length; for (var x=0; returnValue && x to_date_unix) { // compare the timestamp luna_app.show_error_message("From Date cannot be after To Date. " + from_date + " is after " + to_date + ""); return false; } } // one more method is there to check whether is from_date is ahead of to_date or not? // make the dd/mm/yyyy to string yyyymmdd of both the dates and then compare the string only return true; }; luna_v.validateFields = function(container_id) { var returnValue = true; // select elements which has class 'multiselect' are display:hidden $('#' + container_id + ' select[auto_validate_as].multiselect, #' + container_id + ' *[auto_validate_as]:visible:enabled').each(function(index, element) { if (luna_v.is_field_visible(element) && !luna_v.validateField($(element))) { returnValue = false; return false; } }); return returnValue; }; luna_v.is_field_visible = function(field) { return $(field).css("visibility") != 'hidden'; }; luna_v.is_field_readonly = function(field_id) { return $('#'+field_id).is('[readonly]'); }; luna_v.validateField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.prevent_HTML_tags($field)) { return false; } var auto_validate_as = $field.attr('auto_validate_as'); if (auto_validate_as != 'multiselect') { let value = $.trim($field.val()); if ($field.is("textarea")) { if (typeof luna_datac != 'undefined' && luna_datac.client_id != 376) { value = value.replace(/ +/g, ' '); // Remove continous spaces } } else { value = value.replace(/\s\s+/g, ' '); // Remove continous spaces (including tabs, newlines) } $field.val(value); } switch (auto_validate_as) { case 'date' : { if (!luna_v.validateDateField($field)) return false; break; } case 'multiselect' : { if (!luna_v.validateMultiselectField($field)) return false; break; } case 'str' : { if (!luna_v.validateStringField($field)) return false; break; } case 'select_dropdown' : { if (!luna_v.validateSelect_dropdownField($field)) return false; break; } case 'int' : { if (!luna_v.validateIntField($field)) return false; break; } case 'number' : { if (!luna_v.validateNumericField($field)) return false; break; } case 'mobile' : { if (!luna_v.validateMobileField($field)) return false; break; } case 'aadhaar' : { if (!luna_v.validateAadhaarField($field)) return false; break; } case 'time_hhmm' : { if (!luna_v.validateTimeHHMMField($field)) return false; break; } case 'mac_addr' : { if (!luna_v.validateMACADDRField($field)) return false; break; } case 'gst_number' : { if (!luna_v.validateGSTNumberField($field)) return false; break; } case 'email' : { if (!luna_v.validateEmailField($field)) return false; break; } case 'pan_number' : { if (!luna_v.validatePANNumberField($field)) return false; break; } case 'ip_address' : { if (!luna_v.validateIPAddressField($field)) return false; break; } } return true; }; luna_v.prevent_HTML_tags = function($field) { var luna_allow_HTML_tags = $field.attr('luna_allow_HTML_tags'); if (luna_allow_HTML_tags == 'true') { return true; } var valid = luna_v.prevent_HTML_tags_in_value($field.val(), $field.attr('field-name')); if (!valid) { $field.focus(); } return valid; /* var value = $field.val(); if (/<(br|basefont|hr|input|source|frame|param|area|meta|!--|col|link|option|base|img|wbr|!DOCTYPE|a|abbr|acronym|address|applet|article|aside|audio|b|bdi|bdo|big|blockquote|body|button|canvas|caption|center|cite|code|colgroup|command|datalist|dd|del|details|dfn|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|em|embed|fieldset|figcaption|figure|font|footer|form|frameset|head|header|hgroup|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|html|i|iframe|ins|kbd|keygen|label|legend|li|map|mark|menu|meter|nav|noframes|noscript|object|ol|optgroup|output|p|pre|progress|q|rp|rt|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|small|span|strike|strong|style|sub|summary|sup|table|tbody|td|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|time|title|tr|track|tt|u|ul|var|video).*?>|<(video).*?<\/\2>/i.test(value) == true) { luna_app.show_error_message("HTML tags are not allowed in " + $field.attr('field-name')); $field.focus(); return false; } return true; */ }; luna_v.prevent_HTML_tags_in_value = function(value, field_name) { if (/<(br|basefont|hr|input|source|frame|param|area|meta|!--|col|link|option|base|img|wbr|!DOCTYPE|a|abbr|acronym|address|applet|article|aside|audio|b|bdi|bdo|big|blockquote|body|button|canvas|caption|center|cite|code|colgroup|command|datalist|dd|del|details|dfn|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|em|embed|fieldset|figcaption|figure|font|footer|form|frameset|head|header|hgroup|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|html|i|iframe|ins|kbd|keygen|label|legend|li|map|mark|menu|meter|nav|noframes|noscript|object|ol|optgroup|output|p|pre|progress|q|rp|rt|ruby|s|samp|script|section|select|small|span|strike|strong|style|sub|summary|sup|table|tbody|td|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|time|title|tr|track|tt|u|ul|var|video).*?>|<(video).*?<\/\2>/i.test(value) == true) { luna_app.show_error_message("HTML tags are not allowed in " + '' + field_name + ''); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateDateField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.validateDateValue($field.attr('field-name'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('is_mandatory'), $field.attr('allow_future_date'), $field.attr('allow_past_date'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateDateValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, is_mandatory, allow_future_date, allow_past_date) { allow_future_date = allow_future_date == 1 || allow_future_date === true ? true : false; allow_past_date = allow_past_date == 1 || allow_past_date === true ? true : false; is_mandatory = is_mandatory == 1 || is_mandatory === true ? true : false; if (trimmedValue === '') { if (is_mandatory) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " cannot be blank"); return false; } return true; } var numberOfSlashes = trimmedValue.split('/').length - 1; if (numberOfSlashes != 2) { var date_format = 'dd/mm/yyyy'; /* // ##TODO## if (ss3_ns.app.data.date_format == 2) { date_format = 'yyyy/mm/dd'; } */ luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " : The date format must be : " + '' + date_format + ''); return false; } if (luna_d.isDate(trimmedValue, field_name)===false){ return false; } /* // ##TODO## if (ss3_ns.app.data.date_format == 2) { var nepaliDate1 = ss3_ns.utils.replaceAll(trimmedValue, '/0', '/'); var nepaliDate2 = AD2BS(BS2AD(nepaliDate1)); nepaliDate2 = ss3_ns.utils.replaceAll(nepaliDate2, '/0', '/'); if (nepaliDate1 != nepaliDate2) { luna_app.show_error_message(field_name + " has invalid value " + trimmedValue); return false; } } else { if (luna_d.isDate(trimmedValue, field_name)==false){ return false; } } */ // To check if future date //allow_future_date = true; var today_yyyy_mm_dd = luna_d.today().split('/').reverse().join('-'); var array = trimmedValue.split("/"); var dd = array[0]; var mm = array[1]; var yyyy = array[2]; var trimmedValue_yyyy_mm_dd = luna_d.format_as_yyyy_mm_dd(yyyy, mm, dd); if (!allow_future_date) { if (trimmedValue_yyyy_mm_dd > today_yyyy_mm_dd) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " : The date cannot be in future"); return false; } } if (!allow_past_date) { if (trimmedValue_yyyy_mm_dd < today_yyyy_mm_dd) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " : The date cannot be in past"); return false; } } return true; }; luna_v.validateMultiselectField = function($field) { let field_id = $field.attr('id'); if (!$("#" + field_id + '_multipleSelect').is(":visible")) { return true; } var value = $field.val(); var is_mandatory = $field.attr('is_mandatory'); is_mandatory = is_mandatory == 1 || is_mandatory === true ? true : false; if (is_mandatory) { if (typeof value == 'undefined' || value === null || value === '' || value.length == 0) { var field_name = $field.attr('field-name'); luna_app.show_error_message("Please select at least one " + '' + field_name + ''); if (luna_app.is_mobile_app) { $("#" + field_id).focus(); } else { $("#" + field_id).multipleSelect('focus'); } return false; } } return true; }; luna_v.validateStringField = function($field) { if (luna_v.is_field_readonly($field.attr('id'))) { return true; } if ($field.attr('luna_capitalize') == 'on') { luna_utils.capitalize_field_value($field.attr('id')); } if (!luna_v.validateStringValue($field.attr('field-name'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('strMinLength'), $field.attr('maxlength'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateSelect_dropdownField = function($field) { if ( $field.val() === null ) { const field_name = $field.attr('field-name'); luna_app.show_error_message("Please select " + '' + field_name + ''); $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateStringValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, strMinLength, maxlength) { var length = trimmedValue.length; if (strMinLength > length) { if (length === 0) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " cannot be blank"); } else { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be at least " + '' + strMinLength + ' characters'); } return false; } if (length > maxlength) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " cannot be more than " + '' + maxlength + ' characters. The value entered has ' + length + ' characters'); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateNumericField = function($field) { var field_name = $field.attr('field-name'); var is_mandatory = $field.attr('is_mandatory'); if (!luna_v.validate_numeric_value(field_name, 'number', is_mandatory, $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('min-value'), $field.attr('max-value'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateIntField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.validate_numeric_value($field.attr('field-name'), 'int', $field.attr('is_mandatory'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('min-value'), $field.attr('max-value'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validate_numeric_value = function(field_name, auto_validate_as, is_mandatory, trimmedValue, min_value, max_value) { var orig_value = trimmedValue; trimmedValue = luna_utils.replaceAll(trimmedValue, ',', ''); is_mandatory = is_mandatory == 1 || is_mandatory === true ? true : false; if (trimmedValue === '') { if (is_mandatory) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " cannot be blank"); return false; } return true; } trimmedValue = '' + trimmedValue; var an_integer____or____a_number = 'a number'; if (auto_validate_as == 'int') { an_integer____or____a_number = 'an integer'; } var valid_chars = '1234567890'; var numberOfMinusSigns = trimmedValue.split('-').length - 1; if (numberOfMinusSigns > 1) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be " + '' + an_integer____or____a_number + '. Received [' + orig_value + ']'); return false; } if (numberOfMinusSigns == 1) { if (trimmedValue.charAt(0) != '-' || trimmedValue == '-') { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be " + '' + an_integer____or____a_number + '. Received [' + orig_value + ']'); return false; } } if (min_value < 0) { valid_chars = valid_chars + '-'; } else if (numberOfMinusSigns == 1) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be a positive value. Received [" + orig_value + ']'); return false; } if (auto_validate_as == 'number') { var numberOfPeriods = trimmedValue.split('.').length - 1; if (numberOfPeriods > 1) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be a number. Received [" + orig_value + ']'); return false; } valid_chars = valid_chars + '.'; } if (!luna_v.contains_only_valid_characters(trimmedValue, valid_chars)) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be " + '' + an_integer____or____a_number + '. Received [' + orig_value + ']'); return false; } trimmedValue = parseFloat(trimmedValue); if (trimmedValue < min_value) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " cannot be less than " + '' + min_value + '. Received [' + orig_value + ']'); return false; } if (trimmedValue > max_value) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " cannot be more than " + '' + max_value + '. Received [' + orig_value + ']'); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.contains_only_valid_characters = function(text, valid_characters) { if (typeof text == 'undefined') { return true; } for (var k=0; k' + $field.attr('field-name') + " cannot be blank"); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateMobileFieldValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength) { if (minlength === undefined) { minlength = 0; } if (!luna_v.validateStringValue(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength)) { return false; } if (minlength === 0 && trimmedValue === "") { return true; } var regular_exp = /^((?!0.)\d{10},)*(?!0.)\d{10}$/; if (!(regular_exp.test(trimmedValue))) { if (maxlength > 10) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be valid 10 digit mobile number. Multiple mobile numbers may be separated by comma"); } else { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be valid 10 digit mobile number"); } return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateMobileField = function($field) { const value = luna_utils.auto_correct_mobile_num_field($field); const created_by_hf = $field.hasClass('created_by_hf'); const subtract = created_by_hf ? 5 : 0; if (!luna_v.validateMobileFieldValue($field.attr('field-name'), value, $field.attr('strminlength'), $field.attr('maxlength') - subtract)) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateGSTNumberField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.validateGSTNumberFieldValue($field.attr('field-name'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('strminlength'), $field.attr('maxlength'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateTimeHHMMField = function($field) { luna_utils.log('A1 Entered luna_v.validateTimeHHMMField'); let trimmedValue = $.trim($field.val()); luna_utils.log('A2 trimmedValue = ' + trimmedValue); let newValue = trimmedValue.replaceAll(".", ':'); luna_utils.log('A3 newValue = ' + newValue); if (newValue != trimmedValue) { $field.val(newValue) luna_utils.log('A4'); } if (!luna_v.validateTimeHHMMFieldValue($field.attr('field-name'), newValue, $field.attr('strminlength'), $field.attr('maxlength'))) { luna_utils.log('A5'); $field.focus(); return false; } luna_utils.log('A6'); return true; }; luna_v.validateTimeHHMMFieldValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength) { luna_utils.log('B1 Entered luna_v.validateTimeHHMMFieldValue'); if (minlength === undefined) { minlength = 0; } luna_utils.log('B2 minlength = ' + minlength); if (!luna_v.validateStringValue(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength)) { luna_utils.log('B3'); return false; } if (minlength === 0 && trimmedValue === "") { return true; } var regular_exp = /^(2[0-3]|[01]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])$/; if (!(regular_exp.test(trimmedValue))) { luna_utils.log('B8 '); luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be in HH:MM format"); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateMACADDRField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.validateMACADDRFieldValue($field.attr('field-name'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('strminlength'), $field.attr('maxlength'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateMACADDRFieldValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength) { if (minlength === undefined) { minlength = 0; } if (!luna_v.validateStringValue(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength)) { return false; } if (minlength === 0 && trimmedValue === "") { return true; } var regular_exp = /^[a-fA-F0-9:]{17}|[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$/; if (!(regular_exp.test(trimmedValue))) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be in valid format eg. 00:A0:C9:14:C8:29 "); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateGSTNumberFieldValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength) { if (minlength === undefined) { minlength = 0; } if (!luna_v.validateStringValue(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength)) { return false; } if (minlength === 0 && trimmedValue === "") { return true; } var regular_exp = /^[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{5}[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{1}[1-9A-Z]{1}Z[0-9A-Z]{1}$/; if (!(regular_exp.test(trimmedValue))) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be in valid format"); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validatePANNumberField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.validatePANNumberFieldValue($field.attr('field-name'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('strminlength'), $field.attr('maxlength'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validatePANNumberFieldValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength) { if (minlength === undefined) { minlength = 0; } if (!luna_v.validateStringValue(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength)) { return false; } if (minlength == 0 && trimmedValue == "") { return true; } var regular_exp = /^([a-zA-Z]{5})(\d{4})([a-zA-Z]{1})$/; if (!(regular_exp.test(trimmedValue))) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be in valid format"); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateAadhaarField = function($field) { $field.val(luna_utils.replaceAll($field.val(), ' ', '')); if (!luna_v.validateAadhaarFieldValue($field.attr('field-name'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('strminlength'), $field.attr('maxlength'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateAadhaarFieldValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength) { if (minlength === undefined) { minlength = 0; } if (!luna_v.validateStringValue(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength)) { return false; } if (minlength === 0 && trimmedValue === "") { return true; } // var regular_exp = /^(\d{10}$/; var regular_exp = /^((?!0.)\d{12})$/; if (!(regular_exp.test(trimmedValue))) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be of 12 digits and it must not start with 0"); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateEmailField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.validateStringField($field)) return false; var minlength = $field.attr('minlength'); $field.val(luna_utils.replaceAll($field.val(), ' ', '')); if (!luna_v.validateEmailID(minlength, $field.attr('field-name'), $field.val())) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateEmailID = function(minlength, field_name, value) { if ((minlength === 0 || minlength === undefined) && value === "") { return true; } var regular_exp = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; var values = value.split(','); for (var x=0; x' + field_name + " must be valid E-mail ID. Multiple E-mail IDs may be separated by comma"); return false; } } return true; }; luna_v.validateIPAddressField = function($field) { if (!luna_v.validateIPAddressFieldValue($field.attr('field-name'), $.trim($field.val()), $field.attr('strminlength'), $field.attr('maxlength'))) { $field.focus(); return false; } return true; }; luna_v.validateIPAddressFieldValue = function(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength) { if (minlength === undefined) { minlength = 0; } if (!luna_v.validateStringValue(field_name, trimmedValue, minlength, maxlength)) { return false; } if (minlength === 0 && trimmedValue === "") { return true; } var regular_exp = /^((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\,?)*$/; if (!(regular_exp.test(trimmedValue))) { luna_app.show_error_message('' + field_name + " must be in valid format."); return false; } return true; };"use strict"; var luna_hf_m = {}; luna_hf_m.add_string_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, type, grid_col) { if (grid_col == undefined) { grid_col = "col-12"; } let container_div_id = 'container_hf_' + fieldID; var mandatory_asterisk = strMinLength > 0 ? ' *' : ''; var field = luna_hf.create_string_field_only(label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, type, ''); var html = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + containerid).addClass('form-row').append(html); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("form-control margin_bottom_15px"); }; luna_hf_m.add_numeric_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, validate_as, grid_col) { if (grid_col == undefined) { grid_col = "col-12"; } let container_div_id = 'container_hf_' + fieldID; var mandatory_asterisk = mandatory ? ' *' : ''; var field = luna_hf.create_numeric_field_only(label, fieldID, minValue, maxValue, value, mandatory, '', validate_as); var html = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + containerid).addClass('form-row').append(html); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("form-control margin_bottom_15px"); }; luna_hf_m.add_date_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, value, mandatory, allow_future_date, allow_past_date, grid_col) { if (grid_col == undefined) { grid_col = "col-12"; } let flex_style = ''; if (typeof dsplma != 'undefined' && dsplma.hasOwnProperty('APP_VERSION')) { // ok } else { flex_style = ' display: flex; align-items: center; '; } let container_div_id = 'container_hf_' + fieldID; var mandatory_asterisk = mandatory == true ? ' *' : ''; var field = luna_hf.create_date_field(label, fieldID, value, mandatory, '', allow_future_date, allow_past_date); var html = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + containerid).addClass('form-row').append(html); luna_hf_m.set_as_date_field(fieldID); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("form-control margin_bottom_15px"); $("#" + containerid).find('img.ui-datepicker-trigger').addClass('margin_bottom_15px'); }; luna_hf_m.add_dropdown_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, multi_select, mandatory, grid_col) { luna_hf_m.add_empty_dropdown_field(containerid, label, fieldID, multi_select, mandatory, grid_col); luna_hf.populate_dropdown(fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value); }; luna_hf_m.add_empty_dropdown_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, multi_select, mandatory, grid_col) { if (grid_col == undefined) { grid_col = "col-12"; } multi_select = typeof multi_select !== 'undefined' ? multi_select : false; mandatory = typeof mandatory !== 'undefined' ? mandatory : true; if (!multi_select) { mandatory = true; } let container_div_id = 'container_hf_' + fieldID; var mandatory_attr = mandatory ? ' is_mandatory="1" ' : ' is_mandatory="0" '; var mandatory_asterisk = mandatory ? ' *' : ''; var attributes = ''; if (multi_select) { attributes = ' auto_validate_as="multiselect" multiple="multiple" class="multiselect" field-name="' + label + '" '; } var field = ''; var html = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + containerid).addClass('form-row').append(html); if (!multi_select) { $("#" + fieldID).addClass("form-control form-select"); } $("#" + fieldID).addClass("margin_bottom_15px"); }; luna_hf_m.add_dropdown_field_grouped = function(containerid, label, fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, multi_select, array_2_group_by, group_by_id_field, name_of_group_field, mandatory, grid_col) { luna_hf_m.add_empty_dropdown_field(containerid, label, fieldID, multi_select, mandatory, grid_col); luna_hf.populate_dropdown_grouped(fieldID, jsonArray, value_field_name, display_field_name, value, array_2_group_by, group_by_id_field, name_of_group_field); }; luna_hf_m.buttonImage_for_date_field = "app/img/icons/calendar.png"; luna_hf_m.set_as_date_field = function(fieldID) { var $field = $("#" + fieldID); $field.css("margin-right", "7px").datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, buttonImage: luna_hf_m.buttonImage_for_date_field, buttonImageOnly: true, showOn: "button", dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy', yearRange: "c-80:c+10", }); if (typeof shop_datac == undefined) { luna_wid.enable_npd($field); } return $field; }; luna_hf_m.add_textarea_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, grid_col) { if (grid_col == undefined) { grid_col = "col-12"; } let container_div_id = 'container_hf_' + fieldID; var mandatory_asterisk = strMinLength > 0 ? ' *' : ''; var field = luna_hf.create_textarea_only(label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, '', ''); var html = '' + label + mandatory_asterisk + '' + field + ''; $('#' + containerid).addClass('form-row').append(html); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("form-control margin_bottom_15px"); }; luna_hf_m.add_mobile_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, grid_col) { if (grid_col == undefined) { grid_col = "col-12"; } luna_hf_m.add_string_field(containerid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, 'text', grid_col); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "mobile"); $("#" + fieldID).addClass("allowed_keys").attr("allowed_chars", '1234567890,'); }; luna_hf_m.add_aadhaar_field = function(containerid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, grid_col) { if (grid_col == undefined) { grid_col = "col-12"; } luna_hf_m.add_string_field(containerid, label, fieldID, strMinLength, maxLength, value, 'text', grid_col); $("#" + fieldID).attr("auto_validate_as", "aadhaar"); 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When our pioneers were at establishing the first school in 1923<\/strong>, the then small community in the capital raised the necessary wherewithal by way of small voluntary contributions. There was a breakthrough and the pattern was set for the successors.<\/span><\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1566","MENU_LABEL":"Scrolling Text","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1566\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"Admission open for FIRST Class<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/strong><\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1567","MENU_LABEL":"Latest News","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"5","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1567\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t26\r\n\t\t<\/div>\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tOct 2021\r\n\t\t<\/div>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tINTER-DTEA DRAWING AND BEST OUT OF WASTE COMPETITION\r\n\t\t<\/h5>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\t26\t\t\r\n\t\t<\/div>\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\tOct 2021\t\t\r\n\t\t<\/div>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\t\t\r\n\t\tKALA UTSAV\t\t\r\n\t\t<\/h5>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n<\/div>\r\n\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\t3\r\n\t\t<\/div>\r\n\t\t\r\n\t Nov 2021\t\r\n\t\t<\/div>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n\t\r\n\t\t\r\n\t\tSAY NO TO CRACKERS CAMPAIGN\r\n\t\t<\/h5>\r\n\t<\/div>\r\n<\/div>","HTML_CONTENT":""},{"CONTENT_ID":"1568","MENU_LABEL":"Thought of The Week","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"6","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1568\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"\"Education is the manifestation of perfection present already in man. Divinity is the manifestation of the religion already in the man.\" \r\n\r\n\u2013 Swami Vivekananda","HTML_CONTENT":""},{"CONTENT_ID":"1569","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1569\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"TIMELY CONFERENCE MEETINGS<\/h5>\r\n\r\nWe value the contribution of parents towards our shared mission of growing friendly, thoughtful and active children.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1570","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1570\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"WELL-MAINTAINED TRANSPORT<\/h5>\r\n\r\nThe advanced and enabled option of its transport facility reliefs parents from taking the stress of reaching their child home safely.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1571","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1571\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"EXCELLENT FACULTY<\/h5>\r\n\r\nThe studio is equipped with interactive smart boards, laptops, Lego kits and other innovative resources thus making our students techno smart.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1572","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1572\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"When I researched the programmes available, I realized that the School was offering exactly the type of programme of international standard that surprised me.<\/p>\r\n\r\n- Sherlin's Parents, Class X (A)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1573","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1573\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"The support of the teachers has been outstanding. They are willing to try new things and help my child grow and learn at her own pace. We are blessed to belong to the Decagon community.<\/p>\r\n\r\n- Bryan's Parents, Class II (C)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1574","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1574\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"The experience is like no other, the topics addressed are debated by students from other countries who live in different realities. Such cultural diversity is shared online and results in an incomparable knowledge degree.<\/p>\r\n\r\n- Richard's Parents VI (B)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1575","MENU_LABEL":"Quick Links","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1575\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"\r\n\t\r\n\tCBSE<\/a><\/p>\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n\t\r\n\tWikipedia<\/a><\/p>\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1576","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1576\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":400.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1576\/images\/RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"CENTENARY INAUGURATION<\/span><\/strong><\/h1>\r\n\r\nDTEA is celebrating its Centenary year in 2023. To mark this propitious occasion a grand inauguration ceremony was held on 22nd of February, 2023 at Indira Gandhi stadium, New Delhi. The versatile actor Mr. SarathKumar was invited as chief guest. Famous alumni and retired teachers were venerated during this event. This was followed by a grand cultural programme by DTEA students and teachers. The stadium was filled with esteemed spectators.<\/span>\r\n <\/h1>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1577","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1577\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":291.33999999999997,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1577\/images\/KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"KALA UTSAV<\/span><\/h1>\r\n\r\nKala Utsav was organised by Ministry of Education, Government of India to promote the artistic talents of the students. It's a yearly event conducted by the Ministry of Education. Our students enthusiastically participated in the competitions conducted from 26th Oct to 1st Nov 2021. S Vignesh - XI A, Chynika Kain- XII A, Shania Khan X B participated in 2 & 3 Dimensional Arts. Ipshita Sahu IX B, Tushar Verma IX B, participated in Indigenous Toys making. S. Siddharth of XII C participated in Vocal Music Classical and K G Vijayraj XI B participated in Instrumental Music. A. Isha IX A & S. Tanushree XA participated in Folk Dance & Classical Dance respectively.<\/span><\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1578","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1578\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":301.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1578\/images\/Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"“Science begins with wonder, scientific temperament and rational thinking”<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\nFebruary 28, 2022 was an innovative and experimental day for all our the students as we had the Science Exhibition for classes 1-5 . Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by Secretary Shri R. Raju, the budding scientists of DTEA displayed different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement. The exhibition was open from 9.30 PM to 1 PM. Judges from various schools judged program and the parents were also provided an opportunity to witness it. The event provided a platform for scientific explorations and innovations for the future scientists.<\/span>\r\n <\/p>\r\n\r\n <\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\nTHE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();
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Divinity is the manifestation of the religion already in the man.\" \r\n\r\n\u2013 Swami Vivekananda","HTML_CONTENT":""},{"CONTENT_ID":"1569","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1569\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"TIMELY CONFERENCE MEETINGS<\/h5>\r\n\r\nWe value the contribution of parents towards our shared mission of growing friendly, thoughtful and active children.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1570","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1570\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"WELL-MAINTAINED TRANSPORT<\/h5>\r\n\r\nThe advanced and enabled option of its transport facility reliefs parents from taking the stress of reaching their child home safely.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1571","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1571\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"EXCELLENT FACULTY<\/h5>\r\n\r\nThe studio is equipped with interactive smart boards, laptops, Lego kits and other innovative resources thus making our students techno smart.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1572","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1572\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"When I researched the programmes available, I realized that the School was offering exactly the type of programme of international standard that surprised me.<\/p>\r\n\r\n- Sherlin's Parents, Class X (A)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1573","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1573\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"The support of the teachers has been outstanding. 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Such cultural diversity is shared online and results in an incomparable knowledge degree.<\/p>\r\n\r\n- Richard's Parents VI (B)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1575","MENU_LABEL":"Quick Links","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1575\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"\r\n\t\r\n\tCBSE<\/a><\/p>\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n\t\r\n\tWikipedia<\/a><\/p>\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1576","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1576\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":400.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1576\/images\/RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"CENTENARY INAUGURATION<\/span><\/strong><\/h1>\r\n\r\nDTEA is celebrating its Centenary year in 2023. To mark this propitious occasion a grand inauguration ceremony was held on 22nd of February, 2023 at Indira Gandhi stadium, New Delhi. The versatile actor Mr. SarathKumar was invited as chief guest. Famous alumni and retired teachers were venerated during this event. This was followed by a grand cultural programme by DTEA students and teachers. The stadium was filled with esteemed spectators.<\/span>\r\n <\/h1>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1577","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1577\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":291.33999999999997,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1577\/images\/KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"KALA UTSAV<\/span><\/h1>\r\n\r\nKala Utsav was organised by Ministry of Education, Government of India to promote the artistic talents of the students. It's a yearly event conducted by the Ministry of Education. Our students enthusiastically participated in the competitions conducted from 26th Oct to 1st Nov 2021. S Vignesh - XI A, Chynika Kain- XII A, Shania Khan X B participated in 2 & 3 Dimensional Arts. Ipshita Sahu IX B, Tushar Verma IX B, participated in Indigenous Toys making. S. Siddharth of XII C participated in Vocal Music Classical and K G Vijayraj XI B participated in Instrumental Music. A. Isha IX A & S. Tanushree XA participated in Folk Dance & Classical Dance respectively.<\/span><\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1578","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1578\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":301.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1578\/images\/Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"“Science begins with wonder, scientific temperament and rational thinking”<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\nFebruary 28, 2022 was an innovative and experimental day for all our the students as we had the Science Exhibition for classes 1-5 . Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by Secretary Shri R. Raju, the budding scientists of DTEA displayed different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement. The exhibition was open from 9.30 PM to 1 PM. Judges from various schools judged program and the parents were also provided an opportunity to witness it. The event provided a platform for scientific explorations and innovations for the future scientists.<\/span>\r\n <\/p>\r\n\r\n <\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\nTHE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();
We value the contribution of parents towards our shared mission of growing friendly, thoughtful and active children.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1570","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1570\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"
The advanced and enabled option of its transport facility reliefs parents from taking the stress of reaching their child home safely.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1571","MENU_LABEL":"Campus Feature 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1571\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"
The studio is equipped with interactive smart boards, laptops, Lego kits and other innovative resources thus making our students techno smart.<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1572","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1572\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"
When I researched the programmes available, I realized that the School was offering exactly the type of programme of international standard that surprised me.<\/p>\r\n\r\n
- Sherlin's Parents, Class X (A)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1573","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1573\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"
The support of the teachers has been outstanding. They are willing to try new things and help my child grow and learn at her own pace. We are blessed to belong to the Decagon community.<\/p>\r\n\r\n
- Bryan's Parents, Class II (C)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1574","MENU_LABEL":"Testimonial 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1574\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"
The experience is like no other, the topics addressed are debated by students from other countries who live in different realities. Such cultural diversity is shared online and results in an incomparable knowledge degree.<\/p>\r\n\r\n
- Richard's Parents VI (B)<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1575","MENU_LABEL":"Quick Links","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"8","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1575\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"
CBSE<\/a><\/p>\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n\t\r\n\tWikipedia<\/a><\/p>\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1576","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1576\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":400.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1576\/images\/RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"CENTENARY INAUGURATION<\/span><\/strong><\/h1>\r\n\r\nDTEA is celebrating its Centenary year in 2023. To mark this propitious occasion a grand inauguration ceremony was held on 22nd of February, 2023 at Indira Gandhi stadium, New Delhi. The versatile actor Mr. SarathKumar was invited as chief guest. Famous alumni and retired teachers were venerated during this event. This was followed by a grand cultural programme by DTEA students and teachers. The stadium was filled with esteemed spectators.<\/span>\r\n <\/h1>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1577","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1577\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":291.33999999999997,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1577\/images\/KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"KALA UTSAV<\/span><\/h1>\r\n\r\nKala Utsav was organised by Ministry of Education, Government of India to promote the artistic talents of the students. It's a yearly event conducted by the Ministry of Education. Our students enthusiastically participated in the competitions conducted from 26th Oct to 1st Nov 2021. S Vignesh - XI A, Chynika Kain- XII A, Shania Khan X B participated in 2 & 3 Dimensional Arts. Ipshita Sahu IX B, Tushar Verma IX B, participated in Indigenous Toys making. S. Siddharth of XII C participated in Vocal Music Classical and K G Vijayraj XI B participated in Instrumental Music. A. Isha IX A & S. Tanushree XA participated in Folk Dance & Classical Dance respectively.<\/span><\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1578","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1578\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":301.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1578\/images\/Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"“Science begins with wonder, scientific temperament and rational thinking”<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\nFebruary 28, 2022 was an innovative and experimental day for all our the students as we had the Science Exhibition for classes 1-5 . Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by Secretary Shri R. Raju, the budding scientists of DTEA displayed different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement. The exhibition was open from 9.30 PM to 1 PM. Judges from various schools judged program and the parents were also provided an opportunity to witness it. The event provided a platform for scientific explorations and innovations for the future scientists.<\/span>\r\n <\/p>\r\n\r\n <\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\nTHE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();
Wikipedia<\/a><\/p>\r\n\t<\/li>\r\n<\/ul>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1576","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 1","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1576\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":400.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1576\/images\/RECENT_EVENT_FINAL_1.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"CENTENARY INAUGURATION<\/span><\/strong><\/h1>\r\n\r\nDTEA is celebrating its Centenary year in 2023. To mark this propitious occasion a grand inauguration ceremony was held on 22nd of February, 2023 at Indira Gandhi stadium, New Delhi. The versatile actor Mr. SarathKumar was invited as chief guest. Famous alumni and retired teachers were venerated during this event. This was followed by a grand cultural programme by DTEA students and teachers. The stadium was filled with esteemed spectators.<\/span>\r\n <\/h1>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1577","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 2","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1577\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":291.33999999999997,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1577\/images\/KALA_UTSAV_640.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"KALA UTSAV<\/span><\/h1>\r\n\r\nKala Utsav was organised by Ministry of Education, Government of India to promote the artistic talents of the students. It's a yearly event conducted by the Ministry of Education. Our students enthusiastically participated in the competitions conducted from 26th Oct to 1st Nov 2021. S Vignesh - XI A, Chynika Kain- XII A, Shania Khan X B participated in 2 & 3 Dimensional Arts. Ipshita Sahu IX B, Tushar Verma IX B, participated in Indigenous Toys making. S. Siddharth of XII C participated in Vocal Music Classical and K G Vijayraj XI B participated in Instrumental Music. A. Isha IX A & S. Tanushree XA participated in Folk Dance & Classical Dance respectively.<\/span><\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1578","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1578\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":301.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1578\/images\/Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"“Science begins with wonder, scientific temperament and rational thinking”<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\nFebruary 28, 2022 was an innovative and experimental day for all our the students as we had the Science Exhibition for classes 1-5 . Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by Secretary Shri R. Raju, the budding scientists of DTEA displayed different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement. The exhibition was open from 9.30 PM to 1 PM. Judges from various schools judged program and the parents were also provided an opportunity to witness it. The event provided a platform for scientific explorations and innovations for the future scientists.<\/span>\r\n <\/p>\r\n\r\n <\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\nTHE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();
Kala Utsav was organised by Ministry of Education, Government of India to promote the artistic talents of the students. It's a yearly event conducted by the Ministry of Education. Our students enthusiastically participated in the competitions conducted from 26th Oct to 1st Nov 2021. S Vignesh - XI A, Chynika Kain- XII A, Shania Khan X B participated in 2 & 3 Dimensional Arts. Ipshita Sahu IX B, Tushar Verma IX B, participated in Indigenous Toys making. S. Siddharth of XII C participated in Vocal Music Classical and K G Vijayraj XI B participated in Instrumental Music. A. Isha IX A & S. Tanushree XA participated in Folk Dance & Classical Dance respectively.<\/span><\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1578","MENU_LABEL":"Recent Event 3","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1578\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":301.47000000000003,"WIDTH":640,"HEIGHT":480,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1578\/images\/Young_Scientist_2022_-_Recent_Events.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"“Science begins with wonder, scientific temperament and rational thinking”<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\nFebruary 28, 2022 was an innovative and experimental day for all our the students as we had the Science Exhibition for classes 1-5 . Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by Secretary Shri R. Raju, the budding scientists of DTEA displayed different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement. The exhibition was open from 9.30 PM to 1 PM. Judges from various schools judged program and the parents were also provided an opportunity to witness it. The event provided a platform for scientific explorations and innovations for the future scientists.<\/span>\r\n <\/p>\r\n\r\n <\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\nTHE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();
“Science begins with wonder, scientific temperament and rational thinking”<\/span><\/p>\r\n\r\nFebruary 28, 2022 was an innovative and experimental day for all our the students as we had the Science Exhibition for classes 1-5 . Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by Secretary Shri R. Raju, the budding scientists of DTEA displayed different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement. The exhibition was open from 9.30 PM to 1 PM. Judges from various schools judged program and the parents were also provided an opportunity to witness it. The event provided a platform for scientific explorations and innovations for the future scientists.<\/span>\r\n <\/p>\r\n\r\n <\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\nTHE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();
February 28, 2022 was an innovative and experimental day for all our the students as we had the Science Exhibition for classes 1-5 . Inspired ,encouraged and motivated by Secretary Shri R. Raju, the budding scientists of DTEA displayed different models and experiments with great enthusiasm and excitement. The exhibition was open from 9.30 PM to 1 PM. Judges from various schools judged program and the parents were also provided an opportunity to witness it. The event provided a platform for scientific explorations and innovations for the future scientists.<\/span>\r\n <\/p>\r\n\r\n <\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\nTHE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();
<\/p>"},{"CONTENT_ID":"1916","MENU_LABEL":"Secretary Photo","PAGE_TITLE":"","EXTERNAL_URL":"","CONTENT_TYPE_ID":"3","META_DESCRIPTION":"","META_KEYWORDS":"","CONTENT_DIR":"\/content\/91\/1916\/","ATTACHMENTS":[],"IMAGES":[{"FILE_NAME":"UPLOAD_PIC.jpg","FILE_SIZE_KB":348,"WIDTH":800,"HEIGHT":951,"FULL_FILE_NAME":"\/content\/91\/1916\/images\/UPLOAD_PIC.jpg"}],"IMAGES_INFO":"[]","PLAIN_TEXT_CONTENT":"","HTML_CONTENT":"
P. H. SUNDARESA IYER<\/p>\r\n\r\n
THE FOUNDER TEACHER<\/p>"}];luna_template.apply_my_template();